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  1. R

    Lots of white smoke when starting

    Vic- do these machines have a glow plug timer? I know in the owners manual it says 3-5 seconds. It does not seem long enough to me either..
  2. R

    Lots of white smoke when starting

    If you would, let us know what happens Frank-
  3. R

    Lots of white smoke when starting

    I have a B3300su with 2 hours on it. It does smoke when cold and runs a little choppy when really cold, but comes out of it with in 10-12 seconds.... I know there is a issue with pump timing on some of these. I am very interested to see how this works out.....
  4. R

    new l3200 ordered

    Yeah no kidding... tells you alot about a person just to say that in a serious way I guess. I will just tell him to ask the bank, they own it anyway... ha.. people.
  5. R

    new l3200 ordered

    ^^ He is right! I took delivery of a new Kubota last week, and a neighbor was there when it was dropped off.... He said "good, now if i need a tractor I know where I can borrow one" yeah... we will see about that....
  6. R

    Changing the shaft hydraulic arm, is it a simple job?

    yeah what that guy said ^^ go to messicks and download all of the parts manuals and save them in a folder to your desktop. They are handy as hell and have pretty good exploded view diagrams. And if you plan on keeping this machine, spend the 200 bucks and buy a shop manual- I think the one for...
  7. R

    Maintenance on the steering box

    Also- thank you Kubotasam for the great pics! In the note of the shat, I did not mention I ordered a new one, and it said for Kubota B7200. Well, I should have but did not measure it! Well I am sure you know what I am about to say. Too long. Yup. So, cut it down 3" beveled it and re welded it. I...
  8. R

    Maintenance on the steering box

    Well, got the steering fixed. Sorry I have not posted pics of that but I was in a rush, ordered a new ball nut/shaft and had to assemble it the same evening I got it, then had a guy that showed up to buy it a couple hours later. Wow. what a night. Now it is gone, and I went out a bought the...
  9. R

    B7001 Project - Pricing advice

    I was thinking 700 tops but I think that may be generous. Even If it has imp with it... its pretty rough, you cant hear it run and right now its just scrap or parts... I would give 500-600 bucks for it. But it is a chance.
  10. R

    is 18600 too much for a Kubota B330su?

    Lmao, yeah you got that right... Well I just did it. Talked them down a bit, got it for 18000 out the door tax the whole 9. I also got them to toss in a set of ice chains, loaded tires, (rim guard) and a shop manual. Oh, and a steering wheel knob!! That is what I am excited about.... lol Should...
  11. R

    is 18600 too much for a Kubota B330su?

    Oh yeah, def more tractor for the money, but I do alot of loader work, and love the HST for that... I am headed down too pull the trigger after I drink a coffee I guess. I have been on the fence about it for a while, and just sold me B7200 and my farmall 300 just drove out the driveway too. You...
  12. R

    is 18600 too much for a Kubota B330su?

    Hey thanks alot guys, yeah that is new, assembled today. I am sorry, yes that is with a bucket financed @ 0%. I will prob put 8-9 grand down to keep the payment low. and I am considering the quick attach too. Well, I am glad to hear (or not hear) people chiming in saying they are crazy. I have...
  13. R

    is 18600 too much for a Kubota B330su?

    Comes with: LA504 Loader R4 tires loaded fluids and filters for 50hr service Financed through kubota with 5% sales tax.... delivered... what do you think? I have gotten a couple prices close to 20k, but still seems a little high, maybe not....
  14. R

    What new Kubota should I buy??

    Just sold that B7200 for what I wanted, it was listed for 2 days... WOW. Going to buy the new B3300 maybe monday-
  15. R

    Maintenance on the steering box

    just sold the B7200- listed for 2 days! going to buy that B3300 maybe monday!
  16. R

    What new Kubota should I buy??

    Eric- yeah you sure are right about that. I hope he does too- I am pretty certain he is serious, I sell and service vw's- It is usually pretty easy to pick em out... almost always in the first 60 seconds... but either way, someone will fall in love and have to own it. I hope. Hey, you interested...
  17. R

    Maintenance on the steering box

    I feel your pain!! I ended up ordering a new ball nut/shaft- I will post with the results on the whole thing. In the meantime I posted the tractor for sale. It was cool when I was 16 or 17 to screw with shit all the time, but I simply dont have time for it now. So, I am headed out to buy a new...
  18. R

    What new Kubota should I buy??

    Well I listed my Kubota B7200 for sale here in Maine on craigslist and uncle henrys. Listed for 6000 and my phone wont stop ringing! Have a guy coming tomorrow after work with cash in hand so I guess I am going to sign on the dotted line for a B3300su- priced with R4's La504 loader loaded...
  19. R

    What new Kubota should I buy??

    thanks for the reply- I called my dealer today and they quoted me 18599 for the whole deal with tax. Unfortunately they also said the the kubota financing will end by the new year... So I am not sure if I will do it now or not- Trying too keep the payment at 300 bucks or less- So we will see. I...
  20. R

    What new Kubota should I buy??

    Hi there, I am thinking of a new Kubota... I have a B7200 now that I bought this spring. Good tractor but I am discovering that I will get tired of fixing all the little things after leaving my job as a mechanic and going home to my garage. I have a small house lot, but I do maintain a road that...