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  1. R

    Mark- I got those stabilizer arms from you and turns out I wont be needing them. If you have any...

    Mark- I got those stabilizer arms from you and turns out I wont be needing them. If you have any interest let me know.... if not that is ok to- they were for the B3300SU.
  2. R

    Its a long shot, but do any of you know.....

    if the ROPS from a B3300SU will fit the L3200? I can seem to find info....
  3. R

    anybody know the dimentions of a cat 1 heavy hitch?

    Hmm... I guess I dont understand how that works... well it was very nice of him to reply with that info. As well as the rest of you, of coarse.
  4. R

    anybody know the dimentions of a cat 1 heavy hitch?

    @heavyhitch- you just joined and happened to see this post? weird....
  5. R

    anybody know the dimentions of a cat 1 heavy hitch?

    Hey that is what I was after- thanks alot guys! I am not sure what you mean exactly by "the point" I guess... I was just looking for some measurements.
  6. R

    Wanting to lower ROPS

    Wow I don't know about jacking up the garage... wow. Have a professional welder/pipe fitter shorten the rops or put a tennis ball up- If it is modified correctly the repair will be stronger then the rest. I know I know kubota wont stand behind it now- just seems a little foolish to tear apart...
  7. R

    anybody know the dimentions of a cat 1 heavy hitch?

    All it is, is a hitch that hooks to your 3pt hitch, just a slick design that's all. I can figure it out pretty easily, just figured there where people here that prob had made them and knew the dimensions off the top of there head....
  8. R

    anybody know the dimentions of a cat 1 heavy hitch?

    wow... no one? Well, I will fire up the mig and see where I end up....
  9. R

    anybody know the dimentions of a cat 1 heavy hitch?

    Going to fab one up... I figured I would make it the same if I could... thank you!
  10. R

    Got the stabilizer arms today- look good, welds are nice... good job- thanks alot!

    Got the stabilizer arms today- look good, welds are nice... good job- thanks alot!
  11. R

    B3300SU Hydraulic Questions

    Yeah, what is that plastic cover? what goes there? I assume it must be for a option... maybe remote hyd valves... but yeah, that cover rattles like hell. I took mine off and put a small bead of black silicone around the perimeter and let it dry, then reinstalled it. All better. I would like to...
  12. R

    B3300SU Hydraulic Questions

    I am glad to hear the good report on the BH77 on the B3300su. I bought one a month or so ago and stupidly did not get one with it. I will buy a hoe this spring. I don't think backhoes in general are designed to move much material side to side like that, I am sure that is normal. I have run quite...
  13. R

    Box blade size

    Ok, great- I will go with that! thanks for the advise!
  14. R

    Box blade size

    Hey guys, what do you think size box blade would be ideal for a Kubota B3300su? I have a 4' now that seems a little small, seems like a 5' would be more appropriate. But I dont have much time on with a box blade either.... just enough to know it is a handy tool....
  15. R

    battery for L 3400

    Its just a battery I guess but for an extra few bucks I would rather have it start when its cold- I sell Decka's and don't get me wrong they are a good battery.. But when mine goes to hell I will buy a Factory battery. You can buy a cheapo for prob 20-25 bucks less I guess... Or have it start...
  16. R

    Whats the best place to buy Kubota spray paint cheapest??

    I have tried a bunch- kubota factory paint, had some mixed at the auto parts store and put in a can, and then bought the generic kubota orange for 5.99 or something off the shelf. That was the best hands down. I got it at Napa. The stuff they mixed took forever to flash off, the kubota stuff was...
  17. R

    Will this hoe fit my tractor?

    lmao, they dont up here in maine, at least not on a B series!!! haha
  18. R

    B8200HST-D steering box, replacement, compatability with other models?

    Glad to hear you got your Kubota fixed! I am in Northport Maine, right on the coast and that wind coming off the water is cold!!
  19. R

    Will this hoe fit my tractor?

    They wanted 3500 bucks and it was like new.... But oh well... thats what I get for screwing off on it- should have gone down and grabbed it. But, the machine it is going on is new, it has 6.8 hours now so I will probably just buy a new one, or one grampy had that sat in the garage and was used...
  20. R

    Will this hoe fit my tractor?

    Thanks for the reply- Turns out I missed out and someone bought that hoe I was looking at. I am considering just buying one from my dealer here in Maine and having them install it.... Then it will be done right. Boy it is alot of dough though.