Search results

  1. Butch

    B1750HST hydrostat problems

    I have to leave that question on the relief valve to Brother Vic:)... too far above my pay grade...
  2. Butch

    B1750HST hydrostat problems

    I have never tried it but.... if you were to push the clutch is and then try to go forward or backward.... is the HSD supposed be disengauged and the tractor not move? I will try that tomorrow... I believe the clutch should disengauge the HSD from the transmission. If that is the case sounds...
  3. Butch

    maybe someone can help...

    Most likely that is what the issue is... I had to burp mine when I drained the system and replaced the main supply line from the pump to the rear of the tractor. Once that sucker belched:eek:... I was back in business...:D Let us know how you make out:D
  4. Butch

    loader control valve malfunction

    Vic... you are correct... you and "K" should be on the Kubota payroll. You know... on the control valve I even gave the dealers the model number of the control valve and subframe assembly... which came as a unit apart from the front blade. And they still could not pull up any information... I...
  5. Butch

    loader control valve malfunction

    My MAN VIC!!! That's it... that's my valve! Any idea why two dealers and a Husco representative located in Lithicum, MD would not know the valve parts are available?:confused: I can't wait to print the pdf file and confront the parts people AND their dealership owners as to why this was not...
  6. Butch

    loader control valve malfunction

    Vic.... 9210 B1A Both the dealer and Husco said the valve was proprietary... I hit a stone wall. My heas still hurts.... Butch PS.... send me what you have let me match it up. I still have the contacts at Husco just in case we have to go direct to one of their wholesalers.
  7. Butch

    Why it was a great weekend

  8. Butch

    Vibration in high gear traveling at max speed

    Dusty.... I am a numbers person and the way I see it si... 1 pissed off hillbilly:mad: + 2 gallons of home brew :D Ddivided by $180.00 for what should be stock universal joints:confused::confused: = a declaration of war of the minds to FIND stock work arounds:p:rolleyes::):eek: Scott.... there...
  9. Butch

    Vibration in high gear traveling at max speed

    Just got word from my dealer that you cannot purchase just the front drive line universal joints and install them into the existing yokes... You have to buy the whole yoke/universal as an assembled unit at (NOW GET THIS!:mad: at $91.00 per driveline end. That's $180.00 freak'n dollars all for a...
  10. Butch

    Front end loader trouble

    :(DS1948... I went back and responded to a series if threads that related to Husco/Kubota valves so the threads would float to the top of the forum amking it easier for you to find and review. I was so pissed off that I had researched purchasing a Prince FEL control valve and retroing it to my...
  11. Butch

    loader control valve malfunction

    The original quest to answer the age old question... can a Husco valve be fixed.... This is the final one floating it to the top for our new guy... Butch:o
  12. Butch

    Husco/Kubota Loader/Front Blade Valves

    This one is for the new guy also with the valve problem;)
  13. Butch

    Perventative maintenance tips

    I replied here to float this back to the top for a new member that id having control valve issues. It was easier for me to find this than him for sure....:D:cool:
  14. Butch

    Front end loader trouble

    Guys... I have an extensive thread on Kubota/Husco Control valves. You may be able to do a search on the word Husco and pull up the relevant threads. In one of these threads on "preventative maintenance" I outlined exactly the procedure to disassemble the valve... and for the most part how to...
  15. Butch

    operating rear pto

    The switch is pressure senseitive and either makes the ignition circuit or breaks it depending on the safety circuit. In any case the switch will have to be dealt with if the "tush" leaves the operator's seat. On way would be to install a manual switch that circumvents the safety switch... but...
  16. Butch

    Kubota's for Work or Play?

    Scott... work'n on the u-joints... not an issue....Butch:rolleyes:
  17. Butch

    operating rear pto

    Guys check my spelling in my last post... and it ain't o-beer:30 yet.... :eek:
  18. Butch

    operating rear pto

    If your backhoe hydraulics are integrated into the tractor hydraulics i.e. through quick disconnects and NO HYDRAULIC PUMP attached to the rear PTO.... then no the rear PTO need ont be engaiuged. If per chance you have a free standing backhoe with its own hydrolic oil reserve and pump attached...
  19. Butch

    Kubota's for Work or Play?

    Just picked up a furrow/potato plow for "Bubba" my B2410:D. Got is a Tractor supply.... now maybe I can get the rows straight in my garden;). It has to beat a hoe and string way of doing it. I will see if I can scrounge a few pics to post of Bubba in action... as Iam teaching my 10yo grand...
  20. Butch

    B2410 Jerky steering

    I just have to tell you that my B2410 stearing has NEVER been this good since the retrofit..... Butch:D:D