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  1. K

    B7100 Injectors

    They can still be the wrong injector. I believe the number you refer to is just a body number.
  2. K

    B7100 Injectors

    Injectors are a precise unit and my bet is you have the wrong injectors. Best bet is either take your old ones and have them rebuilt or take your new ones to a shop and have them set to your engine.
  3. K

    B7800 wont run

    Eliminate the simple things first. Indeed if the o-ring is missing or any kind of air leak will give you the symptoms you describe. You may well have had a plugged filter but now you have a different problem.
  4. K

    B2620 Service and Manuals

    There is one drain for the engine on the 2620 and 3 on the tranny. And I too would drain the fluids.
  5. K

    FRONT AXLE oil super udt2?

    Nothing wrong with it but if you want the most durable oil use a synthetic gear oil for the absolute best.
  6. K

    oil pan heater

    In my experience no. Most magnetic heaters are at best 300 watts and when they are attached to the outside of the engine they can not keep up to the radiant heat loss of the engine block. A good block heater with the oilpan heater would be the best bet but unless your machine is inside and you...
  7. K

    oil pan heater

    They work really well in conjunction with a block heater but are not adequate on their own.
  8. K

    HST & Hydraulic Filter Newbie Question

    You will lose what is in the filter and filter housing but that is all. I changed mine on the 5740 which is the same as yours and that is all i lost.
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    block heater won't work

    If the dealer installed it on the left front corner of the block in a steel sleeve then it burned out after you plugged it in. They are suppose to be installed on the right rear corner behind the hydraulic pump.
  10. K

    block heater won't work

    Where on the engine is it installed?
  11. K

    Cold weather tip!

    There is nothing spinning behind the hydrostat unless you put shifter in neutral and then step on the hydro peddle and set the cruise. You need to disable the seat switch to do that though.
  12. K

    M7040 Fuel Tank Repair

    I would get a fiber glass repair kit and use that. It will make a permanent fix and you won't need to replace the tank.
  13. K

    What is this ??

    I am curious as to what a bi-directional solenoid does.?:confused:
  14. K

    What is this ??

    For giggles why not apply some power to the solenoid?? or what ever it is and see what happens.:)
  15. K

    What is this ??

    It looks like the mate to those wires is hanging down there too. Follow those wires and see where they go.
  16. K

    B3200 Real weights

    Bare tractor weighs 1700 plus loader and bucket will be 500+ plus backhoe. Betting backhoe is 700-1000 lbs.
  17. K

    L5740 block heater ?

    I installed a inline heater on my 5740 because I didn't want the hassle of removing the pump. I know you will get differing opinions but I have a lower rad hose heater on a Yanmar and it is useless because the water cannot circulate through the block. The thermostat prevents circulation so the...
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    L3130 Reverse

    First of all did this start suddenly? Check the linkage to make sure nothing is jamming it. Lubricate it. If all that fails then it is likely an internal problem.
  19. K

    skid steer starting problems

    The fact that it smokes when you crank it indicates that it is not a fuel supply problem. I am sure that your glow plugs are fine but is your controller heating them in the machine? Either it is glow plugs or poor compression.:confused:
  20. K

    skid steer starting problems

    How many hours on the engine. The fact that it is smoking and not firing I would wonder the glow plugs are weak or you may even have a one bad one. How do you know they are ok? Do you know for a fact that they are working when you try to start? As for small dose will kill these...