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  1. K

    ZD 21 fluids

    It will be universal hydraulic fluid. You can get some at your local Kubota store.
  2. K

    smoking V1505

    I've had mixed luck with rebuilds but more good than poor. If there is any way you could post a video it would sure help with diagnosis. Have you checked the compression?
  3. K

    smoking V1505

    Did this start after the head job? If so, maybe valve lash is out, injection timing out, wrong head gasket causing lowered compression. If the injectors have 4800 hrs on them then they should be overhauled. A lot of things can cause excessive smoke especially after things have been apart.
  4. K

    M7040 Smoking with Fuel in Oil - help

    A bad injector will stream the fuel instead of misting, cause washing of the cylinder walls and hot spots on the piston. I have seen pistons with holes melted in them because the injector was streaming the fuel. Check the valve clearance but I am betting the rings have worn some. Pull the...
  5. K

    smoke from breather in B7100HST

    You live where it gets quite warm so you might want to try a 15-40. Make sure it is diesel rated (CH, CJ etc.)
  6. K

    smoke from breather in B7100HST

    It is not abnormal to emit some vapor out the breather. You say your burns 1 qrt/50 hrs, that is getting up there for an engine of that size. It is probably safe to say you have some ring wear. If it runs great and there are no other issues I would run it and keep track of the oil. The weight of...
  7. K

    M7040 Smoking with Fuel in Oil - help

    A bad injector sounds like the culprit to me. It can cause all kinds of damage including scored cylinder, damaged piston,worn rings, diluted oil and smokey exhaust. Bad deal all around if not caught right of the bat. Dirty, contaminated fuel most likely to blame but sometimes injectors just fail.
  8. K

    Did I just turn it into a boat anchor?

    In the world of hydraulics damage starts to occur over 180*F and increase as the temp rises. To melt the plastic plug you were close to if not more than double that. The fact that the plug melted indicates thats the temp of the whole hydraulic system, differential included was that hot. You are...
  9. K

    Did I just turn it into a boat anchor?

    That was some serious heat. I think you can be assured that you did damage. At this point you have nothing to lose by draining the oil, refilling and running it and see what shows up first. Seals don't like heat so keep track of hydraulic oil in the engine, external leaks etc.
  10. K

    Hydraulic Issue?

    It is good to replace it. Once the torque tube has been twisted it twist easier the next time. To really do a proper repair it needs to be cut off and re welded.
  11. K

    Hydraulic Issue?

    My bet is the rod that joins the 2 sides of your qa was welded on wrong. One thing to try is to disconnect the 2 tilt cylinders at the qa and then cycle them out and in to see if they will match up. If they don't then you have a bent cylinder rod. Otherwise it has to be the joining rod on the qa.
  12. K

    White smoke coming out of blow by

    A 10 year old filter will have nothing to do with it. You need to be more specific as to how much vapor is coming out the breather. It is not unusual for new oil to have more vapor for the first few hours. Can you post a picture?
  13. K

    V1501 hot start problem

    How are the glow plugs activated? Are they automatic or manual? I had a similar problem with a small diesel that was weak on compression. It would start very well when cold but when it was luke warm, too warm for the glow plugs to come on but with the low compression not warm enough to fire up.
  14. K

    L35 air intake issue....need help

    Best fix that intake ASAP. It takes very few hours to dust an engine.:eek:
  15. K

    zd21 hydra-static cooling fan replacement

    Im just shooting in the dark here but once you disconnect shaft from engine and take retaining bolts out of u-joint at the transmission end can you not drop the engine end of shaft down enough to pull shaft off tranny splines? I'm just looking at parts manual.
  16. K

    Front Axle Support Breather plug - L2800 HST

    I believe the reason is, the rear support is not sealed so excess grease can escape where the front support is sealed and over greasing could either rupture the oring seal or pop out the sealing cap.
  17. K

    flooded desiel

    I take from your post that all was fine and it just stopped while operating, is this correct? And when you crank it blows smoke but will not fire? Did you try restarting immediately after it stalled? If the answer is yes to these questions then it sounds like a failure in the engine. If you are...
  18. K

    Service Manual Downloads

    I have never had any problems from reputable sites. As for spam, I get so much anyway its hard to tell where it all comes from.
  19. K

    B7100 Injectors

    Am I correct that you got 3 injectors for $130? If that is the case then you got 3 for the price of 1. Either way you need to have them tested to know what you have. JMHO
  20. K

    B7100 Injectors

    A good diesel shop will be able to check your new injectors and tell you if they are correct for your engine.