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  1. K

    GF1800..anybody have one??

    Does anyone have one of these front mount mowers? I have a hydraulic question about them but I need someone who has one or runs one.:D
  2. K

    B2150HST Hydraulic Filter

    I concur:D Cheap filters are cheap filters.:D
  3. K

    Washed my "new" B7100 and now won't start??

    Maybe you got your glow plug circuit wet.
  4. K

    Picked up another B7100HST-D

    The fuel system cleaning idea is a good one. The sputtering is quite common with dirty injectors. I would buy a proper fuel conditioner and injector cleaner. ATF has a lot of other additives for a AT that are not good for an injection system. And yes I know people have use it for years and...
  5. K

    No RPM past 1500 without dying

    Change the fuel filter.;):D
  6. K

    B6100HST run w/o trans cooler question.

    Normal operating like mowing is not going to overheat the tranny but not knowing the history of the tractor is a problem. It is correct that heat is a killer of hydro trannies but it does take some serious pulling to really get them hot. I beleive the critical temp is somewhere in the 180-200*F...
  7. K

    hydraulic leak from gear shifter cover

    Good advice, also do you store it outside? If so you likely have water in the system which will cause foaming and all sorts of stuff plus your fluid level will be high.
  8. K

    L245DT engine problem

    I am betting your lift pump has failed and is both not pumping fuel and leaking into the crankcase.
  9. K

    L245DT engine problem

    I am betting your lift pump has failed and is both not pumping fuel and leaking into the crankcase.
  10. K

    posting pix of my tractor

    I like it too.:D
  11. K

    L3240 not starting

    From what you describe it likely air in the system. Simple fix.:D
  12. K

    Help with Kubota B1700

    I take it that you are losing antifreeze through the overflow tube. Have you placed your finger over the end of it after the engine has run for a few minutes? Try that (without burning your finger) and see if there is pressure coming from the tube. If there is then you may have a head gasket...
  13. K

    Adding coolant question

    Aww......just for a little while:D
  14. K

    B7100 compression question

    If the cylinder in #2 was not quite perfect the rings will initially seat and everything will seem copacetic but the rings will wear quite fast. Hence the seemingly good overhaul but the blowby is an indication the rings are on the way out. I have seen this many times with cheap overhauls.:eek:
  15. K

    Adding coolant question

    You are welcome, glad I can help once in a while. :)
  16. K

    Adding coolant question

    Did I say something wrong?:confused:;)
  17. K

    Adding coolant question

    Also check you water pump, they will leak out the vent hole on the bottom just back from the pulley.:)
  18. K

    Power drops off under full load

    Glad you fixed it, I did not realize it was that cold that the fuel maybe gelled.:)
  19. K

    Transmission fluid in oil pan

    I am guessing you ran it with the oil at the dipstick. If so you have likely caused some major problems, blown seals etc.etc. If the hyd. oil got in when it was running then it came through the hydraulic pump to engine seal. If it filled up sitting it might have come through the rear crank.
  20. K

    Power drops off under full load

    Disconnect the fuel line after the filter just before it enters the mechanical pump. Fuel should flow freely. Then disconnect after the mechanical pump and crank the engine. Fuel should pump out with some force. The air cleaner suggestion is a good one too but I would think that it would start...