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  1. K

    What kind of engine oil??

    All this synthetic/dino talk got me to thinking back to when I got a VW diesel. VW recommended 15-40 which I tried until winter when I switched to 0-30 semi-synthetic. The difference in engine performance and mileage was like night and day. Engine revved easier had more power and went allot...
  2. K

    B7100HST Govenor

    It is a little hard to diagnose because everyone has a different perception of things but these older engines are a bit 'lazy' except at the higher rpm's. But yours maybe has a problem. I would still change all the filters. Especially the fuel and air filters.
  3. K

    B7100HST Govenor

    You say the engine pulls down...does it smoke when doing this? If it does not then change your fuel filter. I would change all the filters starting with the fuel, air, hydraulic etc. Need more details:confused:
  4. K

    leaky mess

    Did you check the level before you added the oil? Sounds like you maybe overfilled it.
  5. K

    L2800 Heating Up.

    Its just a fact of life when it comes to any equipment. All radiator screens need to be cleaned regularly when working in dirty conditions.:D
  6. K

    B7000 injection pump

    I think I would have checked the glow plugs first.:confused:
  7. K

    B7200 Overhheating Problem

    If you let the engine set for a while and then crack the oil drain plug it will show if there is coolant in the oil. Anti freeze is very slippery and will leak out the loosened drain plug. If the engine has been run with much antifreeze in the coolant then it will be emulsified in the oil and it...
  8. K

    Kubota L2250 no oil pressure

    How did you replace the oil pump BEFORE you took the pan off?:confused:
  9. K

    L3010HST governor questions.

    Sounds like a fuel problem. Filter or pump.
  10. K

    Hydrolic dip stick poped out of the case

    Check your vent. Is your tractor stored outside? If it is your tranny may be full of water.
  11. K

    leaky injector - how to fix?

    Yes a flare nut wrench is like a boxed end wrench with a notch cut out so the injector line or what ever will fit. It is 2/3 of a boxed end wrench.;)
  12. K

    leaky injector - how to fix?

    You have to determine for sure where it is leaking. If it is from the injector line you may want to undo it and check the seat. They can get corrosion where the line mates with the injector. Clean that up and be sure to keep all debris from getting into the injector. Then tighten it down. Get...
  13. K

    What kind of engine oil??

    Best to change a oil and then stick with it. As for light winter use, that will not harm anything and I would continue to use it into the summer. What causes the problems is when an engine sits for extended periods with dirty oil, the acids from combustion have a chance to work because the...
  14. K

    What kind of engine oil??

    Dirty used oil sitting in an engine over the winter is dynamite. The acids in the oil work on the engine components and cause corrosion. Change the oil at the end of the season and then run it in the spring.
  15. K

    Where should the temp guage read?

    Just the nature of these units. They all seem to run cool according to the gauge, but the gauge runs low. They should have about a 180*F thermostat and that is where all of mine have run.
  16. K

    G1800 Reversed Polarity Damage

    A blowing fuse indicates a dead short somewhere. Possible something in the regulator or............ just about anything:eek:
  17. K

    What kind of engine oil?? need to feud. Just do as I say:D:D Any high quality oil designed for diesels will work fine including synthetic. The best rule for long engine life is to change the oil frequently.;)
  18. K

    GF1800..anybody have one??

    It is a hydraulic clutch and everything is alright. I have tried other ones and some do the same and some don't. I was just curious as to how many are like this. It must be just a design weakness.:eek:
  19. K

    GF1800..anybody have one??

    Check They are not sold in the USA anymore but thousands were.
  20. K

    GF1800..anybody have one??

    Well I did do that earlier but got no response but here goes again. At idle with warm oil does anyone have the problem of the mower (pto) cutting out while the mower deck raises and then reengaging as the deck tops out?:confused: Now I know there are thousands of these units out there so I...