Search results

  1. S

    Homemade box blade

    DT, I get that the hickups bug you mightily (and I've got the same handicap) but I don't care 'bout all that, nor one of the the rippers not being plums, nor that they aren't perfectly aligned. No, what I marvel at is the awesome implement you've created! Dewd, yew bee wan uv mah bess heeros...
  2. S

    BX quick disconnect FEL bucket

    I don't, though I am interested in the same thing -- grapple on front; possibly other front-mounted attachments. Have you looked at Titan? That is my first stop, but their product choices confuse me with my lack of experience. I'll be following your adventure with great interest. IOW, choose...
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    Need advice to move 1-1/2 ton pallet of rocks

    Man, you are so clever (for a dip) :D and this is one of your best (of the ones I've seen so far -- prolly many, far better, buried in the archives). My "trouble" with the trailer is I don't have a good ramp -- that 'landscape ramp' is heavy, but not stout. I wouldn't try driving the B6100 up...
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    Need advice to move 1-1/2 ton pallet of rocks

    Well, I don't want to have to do it that way (move a little, re-stage, then repeat). However, your idea sounds like such a neat approach that I want to try it out. If I just "file it away for future reference", it will fall out of one of the holes in my head. Thanks a bunch! Oh! Just re-read...
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    Need advice to move 1-1/2 ton pallet of rocks

    Oh, you stinker! You're forcing me to air my dirty laundry. Okay, I was desperate to get a Kubota, and bought this one sight-unseen. It was a mistake; I paid far more than I should have, and it does look pretty from a distance. It's all just new paint (and the new colors -- didn't you notice...
  6. S

    Kubota barn and tool room, a work in progress

    Leave it to skeets! He found the Dillon press even though it was 'undercover'! Now, for the bonus round, what model is it? :D
  7. S

    Mystery bolts on B6100 fender

    Thanks, that goes on my list of stuff to hunt for.
  8. S

    Mystery bolts on B6100 fender

    Yep. Yep. No fender extensions; I do have the "balustrades" and they are bolted to the fenders, yet there are bolt holes (with bolts in them) along the edge as if for extensions. Yes, I would like wider fenders. I think.
  9. S

    Need advice to move 1-1/2 ton pallet of rocks

    That was my next effort. Actually, I started to use 12' 2x10s but settled for 10' 2x8s since I had half a dozen of them, and only 2 2x10s. They were exactly 3" thick when stacked, and I had to use a maul to drive them into the pallet. They weren't strong enough, and broke. I considered buying a...
  10. S

    Need advice to move 1-1/2 ton pallet of rocks

    Folks, I love you all and your contributions are great! Most of your advice has been along the lines olthumpa expresses. Sadly, I couldn't bear to eat an elephant, so... No, seriously, as a total last-resort, I would load them one-by-one into the loader move them one bucket at a time. In fact...
  11. S

    Need advice to move 1-1/2 ton pallet of rocks

    Sorry, I "intended" to mention it was a pallet of "stack rocks", but had a false start when posting the message and the finished product did not include pertinent information. (And I confess that I did not think pics would help.) I can't remember that far back, but I think when I was 60, I...
  12. S

    Need advice to move 1-1/2 ton pallet of rocks

    What an eye-opener! You really got me fired up with your simple, obvious, and expedient (I'm a woodworker, so have most of what I need on hand, and was looking for an excuse to get some 4"x6"x16' beams to re-do some gateposts I sorta mussed. Sadly, almost all pallets are made of very undersized...
  13. S

    Tooth Bars ?

    Yeah showoff, gimme another cheezy grin! :p All kidding aside (trust me! the check is in the mail!), with your horsepower and weight, the traditional bolt-on/weld-on teeth will work for you (assuming you're near THE LAKE, not some other Niagara). I was having trouble digging with my "little"...
  14. S

    Mystery bolts on B6100 fender

    My parts diagram shows the fenders having an extension, "FENDER, extension, {RH}/{LH}", and the handles, "BALUSTRADE, {RH}/{LH}" bolted to it. The extension is fastened to the fender with bolts along the outer rim of the fender. My fenders have bolts along the edge of the fender (2 more than...
  15. S

    Need advice to move 1-1/2 ton pallet of rocks

    I got delivery of a little more than one and one-half tons of rock and it's in a horribly inconvenient spot. I'm faced with hand-loading it into my utility trailer and pulling it around to the back with my B6100D. Before I do, it occurred to me that wiser heads might have some better ways. I...
  16. S

    bx2230d hst rebuild done speed control question

    In my naivety, I had assumed that would be a trivial task... not so? Double yippee!
  17. S

    b6000 front axle leak 4x4

    My B6100D manual says "remove the 14 bolts... push and release the dust cover..." Our machines must be different; I don't have the parts diagram the NIW posted. However, there shouldn't be anything except those bolts to deal with until you get it opened. I expect you need to employ your...
  18. S

    Server outage

    That's my setup. It's more likely your router than your computer. You could easily verify by opening Internet Exploder and trying to load the page. I have occasional problems with my router, and more often, by my ISP, Chuckles... er, Charter. However, OTT does suffer a lot more than most of the...
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    Millings for a driveway

    If I understand correctly, the runoff goes down your gravel driveway. Prolly washes some gravel; paving would prevent that, but I think it would promote an erosion problem on the lower edge of the pavement.
  20. S

    used Kubota B2410, 250 hrs

    schreib, welcome to the forum. We hope you buy the B2410, and become a participant in our group. I recommend visiting and check the current offerings as well as recent sales of B2410s. That would give you a good idea of the market price. I'm confused by your statement that it...