Search results

  1. G.rid

    Kubota preferred as aircraft tugs

    So if the blades can droop enough to hit the ROPs, what happens to the poor driver of the tug? :eek::eek::eek:
  2. G.rid

    Snow blade learning curve

    We're a ways off from plowing this year, I hope. I'm also going to have to learn to use the plow vrs the bucket like last year. I'm thinking you just need to roll the ssqa forward or back. Angle the plow to one side, lift it about 2 feet off the ground, then roll forward and back. That's the...
  3. G.rid

    Final pick time...which one L4760, L5460 or L6060

    As stated above, bigger is better, especially if you're clearing land and not working in between trees. Another aspect to look at, not sure if it applies, each state and province are different. Here in Nova Scotia, once you get over 60hp they automatically consider it farm use and don't charge...
  4. G.rid

    Help me build a giant Tool Box on WHEELS for my Kubota and many other projects.

    It's been awhile, is there any progress on your build yet? We'd love to see pictures
  5. G.rid

    M5400 Hydros just died

    Ditto what they said. If everything looks good on the pump driveline, I've read on here somewhere about the splines rusting or just wearing out. I believe it was on the end of the pump itself. My first thought, when you said that you just finished bush hogging, was you could have jambed I...
  6. G.rid

    hydraulic pump L48 broken shims and bolts

    Been there, done that. Less then 10 hours after I bought it! When I called the dealer, the parts guy said he had never sold those fiberglass discs. I little chat with the salesman and they cover the costs of the parts ($45 for the shaft, $18 each for the disks x6!). It didn't help that I was...
  7. G.rid

    B26 mechanical thumb

    I'm not sure what the differences are on the measurements of the stick between a bx and a b26. If this wouldn't fit, you could probably request that they start building one that would fit your b26. Just judging by the comments on OTT, there are a lot of b26 out there...
  8. G.rid

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    85hokie. That's a clean and neat install under the canopy. Just a small concern, have you tried the lights in the dark yet? They look like they would blind you in the mirrors.
  9. G.rid

    Shipping a tractor

    I'm not sure if they have a maximum size but there is a full thread for shipping stuff.
  10. G.rid

    Help me build a giant Tool Box on WHEELS for my Kubota and many other projects.

    This is way over the top but you might be able to pull ideas from it. Looks like it was a fire truck/trailer. Never seen one before! A smaller version but just as robust would be ex-ambulance bodies...
  11. G.rid

    Help me build a giant Tool Box on WHEELS for my Kubota and many other projects.

    A few thoughts: -the floor, there's a diy box liner that can be tinted any colour. There's a grip additive too. Look up Als Liner. You could pick a bright colour, that's anti slip, and washable. -gather all the tools together that you want to put in it. And start weighing. You'd be amazed how...
  12. G.rid


    $1.189 reg gas , $1.049 Diesel / litre. After hurricane Harvey, our prices jumped up about .18cents. It dropped yesterday .07cents. We didn't get touched by Harvey, but they can justify it because the oil refineries in Texas were damaged and shut down. Doesn't make sense to us up here...
  13. G.rid

    Recommendations for retaining wall work

    If you're planning on a bunch of serious backhoe work, I'd recommend a true TLB. Not an add on backhoe. I'm a little biased but I love my L48. I was originally looking for a L35 or L39 but have had no regrets on going larger. Keep in mind no matter how big of a tractor you get, you will always...
  14. G.rid

    Steering Wheel Position

    I knew its been a few years, I had to look it up. This is from Wikipedia "The budget announcement eliminating the penny cited the cost of producing it at 1.6 cents. The final penny was minted at the RCM's Winnipeg, Manitoba plant on the morning of May 4, 2012. Existing pennies will remain legal...
  15. G.rid

    Just bought this L3400

    First off, congrats on the new tractor, and more so to find a fiancee that supports the tractor decision/addiction. I married one that agreed that I needed a tractor also :) Now down to business. In your second photo of the large stump, there is a large rock. Not sure if you can hook it and...
  16. G.rid

    Steering Wheel Position

    I have never really felt the need for one. The steering on my L48 is so easy, I just stick a finger against a spoke and spin. Nothing mounted to the wheel to come around and catch me off guard. Even plowing in the winter it still turns incredibly easy. Just my 2 cents, which is worthless now...
  17. G.rid

    Bent Quick Attach on Loader

    It might be redneckish. A guy down the road in the sawmill and firewood business did the same to his (red tractor) ssqa. As cheap and crude as he is, he was ok with the BFFI method. The side of the ssqa that was twisted forward, we drove it in to a solid stationary object. The tractor was...
  18. G.rid

    WTB - L48 3 point hitch

    Anyone? I've even PMed owners of L48s with no luck.
  19. G.rid

    Suggestions on getting old brush hog going.

    If it's that old and unknown, it's probably not a bad idea to open it up anyway. But if you're determined to try it with minimal work... Pull the drain plug which should be metal, use an air compressor to keep positive pressure in the case from the bottom, while picking away at the plastic...
  20. G.rid

    BH92 Backhoe Full Storage Height Clearance on a L6060

    "so far". Lol I thought the same thing about the clothesline in the back yard, until one day I wasn't paying attention. The cable didn't snap, the 6" wood screws ripped out of the house and took some of the brand new siding with it. :eek::mad: When I get around to building a workshop, I'll...