Search results

  1. 6869704x4

    Traveller (TSC) 80W-90 gear oil

    What does it smell like?
  2. 6869704x4

    Tractor wont start.

    Since you have the glow plugs out you can check them with a battery and cables
  3. 6869704x4

    Block vs Oil Pan Heater

    This question may require the scientific 12 pack test. The oil pan heater heats the oil. Warm oil is more slippery than cold oil. I learned that at this certain place in Thailand.
  4. 6869704x4

    Engine running too cool?

    I knew somebody smarter than me would come along
  5. 6869704x4

    Bent front arm.

    We still don't know what kind of tools he has.
  6. 6869704x4

    Engine running too cool?

    Yes, there is a balance, the pocket protector engineers should be able to figure that out. This works for air also. I won a bet with a friend. After replacing compressor and dryer in a Ford truck we had it blowing pretty cold with the fan on max. Pressures in specs. The bet was if we turned the...
  7. 6869704x4

    Engine running too cool?

    There is some validity to that. If the fluid goes through the radiator too fast it doesn't have time to cool off.
  8. 6869704x4

    2015 L3301 sputters and dies

    Keep after them filters, if they're getting clogged again you might need to clean your tank
  9. 6869704x4

    Bent front arm.

    Might be easier to lower the caster than straighten the arm. Don't know what tools you have.
  10. 6869704x4

    2015 L3301 sputters and dies

    It does sound like a fuel problem, which could be the filter. Notice any smoke when it sputters?
  11. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  12. 6869704x4

    L01 Rear Remote Mounting Panel

    I did a search and only came up with them in the UK. Faster brand. You got a source by chance? Also, what goes on the male end? Standard cap?
  13. 6869704x4

    L01 Rear Remote Mounting Panel

    How do you like those toilet seat dust covers?
  14. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

    During the Covid lock down I was teaching systems classes to some AC-130 cats from home. Saw a cow walk by the dining room window. "Hey guys we need to take a break for a few. One of my cows is out" They got a kick out that. A formal USAF course interrupted by a cow. Don't reckon thats ever...
  15. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  16. 6869704x4

    Fixing hole in side of block

    Put the ground to starter body for bench test. Good starter description
  17. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

    She can't be kissing him
  18. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle