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  1. 6869704x4

    Anyone know what this is?

    Part of the guy you ran overs safety vest ?
  2. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  3. 6869704x4

    RTVX 1140

    Are you saying your left turn signal comes on along with your brake lights?
  4. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  5. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  6. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  7. 6869704x4

    What Size Bolt/Nut Is It? This Should Help.

    Can you take those off the hanging strip(or whatever it's called)?
  8. 6869704x4

    Joe's hole in the block

    I am a "staunch supporter" of Joe. You and a few other sanctimonious folks chose to ridicule him every step of the way. What did Joe do? Seems to me he took the high road and ignored all the negative comments. Was your little story supposed to make any sense with regards to Joe? If it was I...
  9. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  10. 6869704x4

    Hydraulic Oil looks like chocolate milk

    What's it taste like?:D That's typically a sign you got water in it. So, to answer your question, yes change the oil.
  11. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  12. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  13. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  14. 6869704x4

    How do I NOT Break This??

    I don't know what size you need but something like this...
  15. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  16. 6869704x4

    Fixing hole in side of block

    Here you go Joe Guys saying in won't work in 3....2....
  17. 6869704x4

    Daily Chuckle

  18. 6869704x4

    PLEASE HELP: M7060 Losing power ~15 min into bushogging.

    On mine it's one assembly. Clear bowl with a filter. Looks like this.
  19. 6869704x4

    Fixing hole in side of block

    Sounds smooth, for a three banger anyway.
  20. 6869704x4

    Traveller (TSC) 80W-90 gear oil

    Gear oil and UDT2 both have a distinct odor. UDT2 almost smells sweet.