Search results

  1. m32825

    HST reminds me of a TIE fighter

    Not sure what it is, but something about the sound of an HST under load reminds me of TIE fighters from Star Wars. Am I the only Star Wars nerd tractoring? That stump looks pretty stubborn, better use the (hydraulic) force on it... :) -- Carl
  2. m32825


    Yes, and it throws out search terms that are less than four characters. Try using it to search for "HST". Most of the times I use the forum search engine, but there are times when knowing how to do a Google site-limited search is helpful. -- Carl
  3. m32825

    Has anyone used an actual Brushgrubber

    I have the HD model, BG-08. It has worked fine, keeps a good grip. I even used it on stuff a little bigger than capacity by chainsawing flats into the side of the stump. They recommend leaving three or four feet of trunk so you have some leverage getting the root out. Works fine for holding...
  4. m32825

    Nut Shot of the Day

    Does this tie into the peppermint story somehow? :) -- Carl
  5. m32825

    right hand grab handle

    Did you find the part numbers? This post has them: -- Carl
  6. m32825

    right hand grab handle

    Check out this post: -- Carl
  7. m32825


    You can limit Google searches to a specific site, try entering " right handle grand l3800" without the double quotes. Boom, there's all your threads about the right-hand L3800 handle. As an added bonus, Google search doesn't throw out short (e.g...
  8. m32825

    DIY canopy

    Thanks! That's a 4x6 foot piece of 3/4" exterior grade plywood. I'll practice running into everything with it for a while and see how it holds up. Might do something with sheet metal eventually. There's a chunk of 1/4" steel plate with 1/2" U-bolts to hold it against the ROPS. A pair of 1/2"...
  9. m32825

    DIY canopy

    Built a canopy to keep sun, rain, and falling limbs at bay. Here's part of the structural test. -- Carl
  10. m32825

    PTO Jammed due to safety switch? Help!!

    The PTO selector has to be in the disengaged position (back) in order to start the engine. Is it possible that with all the excitement, you've still got it in the engaged position? Hoping it's something simple! -- Carl
  11. m32825

    Favorite safety warning

    In reading up on my Land Pride rotary cutter before using it I came across this: "Danger: Do not use cutter as a fan. Cutting blades are not properly designed or guarded for this use. Using cutter as a fan can result in injury or death." I laughed because that use would not have occurred to me...
  12. m32825

    Marbles & Bearings

    Could it be something like your level indicator rattling around loose?
  13. m32825

    Wells Ag canopy question

    I'm not trying for that level of protection but figure it's better to follow a proven design than strike out on my own. I avoid anything that looks suspicious, not just because of my skin, but because I don't want any dents in my nice shiny hood! Just put a rope over it and pull it down if it...
  14. m32825

    Wells Ag canopy question

    I've seen that one, very clever! The test for falling object protection is something along the lines of "drop a hundred pound weight on it from 30 feet up". By the time the weight hits it is going 30 mph, pretty good wallop! If I follow a design rated to withstand that test my canopy will have...
  15. m32825

    Wells Ag canopy question

    I want to make a canopy for my L3800 and like the way the Wells Ag FOPS rated canopies look. Can someone with one of those tell me the thickness of the sheet metal used on top? I heard it was 18 gauge, but that seems on the thin side to me. Thanks! -- Carl
  16. m32825

    Driveway - big mess!!!!

    If you had your rock like you wanted it, do you think could you dust it with a heavy coat of dry cement and then lightly water it in to hold it in place? -- Carl
  17. m32825

    HST and split brakes?

    Thanks for the explanation, guys. Now can you tell me what kind of operations I might do where I want to use split brakes? -- Carl
  18. m32825

    Kill bamboo

    Use a herd of pandas! :) Found the old thread: Killing Bamboo I read that bamboo comes in two kinds: clumping, and running. The clumping stuff doesn't spread aggressively, it just expands the root ball. The running stuff causes the most problems. -- Carl
  19. m32825

    HST and split brakes?

    How do you use split brakes with HST? Seems like you're either on the direction pedal or the brakes. How do you do direction pedal and one of the brakes at the same time? -- Carl
  20. m32825

    Need feedback on L3800 price quote

    Hey, look, Christmas in August. We got our new tractor today. Thanks for the help, guys! -- Carl