Search results

  1. Crash277

    Winter wear/ Insulated gear

    Boots, good gloves, and layers are the key, I just got a set of baffin titans on sale at cabelas for $109 cdn. They are like wearing a warm cloud. I wish i bought them years ago! I can stand on the ice; fishing all day and my feet stay warm. For my hands I rotate depending on what im doing and...
  2. Crash277

    This Weather Event

    I drive my 4x4 in 2wd a lot of the time. The new truck has the auto feature so I have been kinda using it a bit. Dont really notice a difference. Where I live a 2wd truck is mostly useless; never get one into the bush for hunting/ fishing. Especially some of the "boat ramps" we use in the...
  3. Crash277

    The best laid plans

    thats awesome, I try to do mine before the big freeze so I can have my gas water pump out but because of the COVID I didn’t get to burn yet.
  4. Crash277

    The best laid plans

    i need a permit where i live to burn anthing larger than a camp fire. for some reason, the town council decided that they would revoke all permits because of covid. They didnt want fire fighters to have to respond to unnecessary calls. Even with a permit (all my neighbors always let everyone...
  5. Crash277

    SxS SSQA plow attachment

    love it!! very similar to the set up for my 23s. i used a 60" polaris plow and mounted it to my home made ssqa bracket. It does stick out a bit far, however my intention is to eventually buy a snow pusher. Then I will sell the polaris plow with the polaris mounting bracket.
  6. Crash277

    Bucket forks vs quick attach forks mathmatics, guru's enter!

    Why I prefer ssqa forks. I just moved a pile of logs Today. Using the grapple and the ssqa forks. Grapple because the amount of snow was crazy so trying to line forks up under logs would have been a pain. Some of the logs I couldn’t lift. I could only curl. I moved the entire pile. Tossed on the...
  7. Crash277

    Moving 3rd Function Buttons on Joystick?

    im going to assume his is the same as mine based on the loader control. Mine turns on when I start the tractor. It’s a true 3rd function. Each button controls the solenoid to effect flow. If it was a single button then it would be a divertor; press button and it steals (diverts) The curl...
  8. Crash277

    Just bought a repo BX23S on auction (title edited)

    Right from the dealer I got mine from. The 23s built in BH frame prevents the kit from being a direct bolt on from the none BH models. It’s also been posted around on here as well.
  9. Crash277

    Just bought a repo BX23S on auction (title edited)

    Take a picture of your right side control area, do you have buttons on your loader joystick? Do you have any hydraulic fittings mounted on the loader or at the 3pt at the back? I have the same tractor, never heard of a 23s having mid mount remotes? Rear remotes would be 2 fittings at your 3pt...
  10. Crash277

    Moving 3rd Function Buttons on Joystick?

    I’m going to try and remember to disconnect my blower from My 3rd function and see what happens when I press the buttons and move my loader on my 23s. I wonder if because it’s a closed circuit, maybe the machine hits its pressure max?
  11. Crash277

    Moving 3rd Function Buttons on Joystick?

    that’s exactly what I did to mine. just Turned it 90 and use my thumb to hit the buttons.
  12. Crash277

    Thought I seen everything!

    not being an hvac guy, is it going to be an issue using aluminum? I know for plumbing. I have switched to using the pex lines instead of copper on renovations and it seems to be pretty go at what it is supposed to do.
  13. Crash277

    Thought I seen everything!

    i know when they took mine out. They had to take it almost completely apart. The firebox part was taken out on a Dolly. I planned on using in my garage but it would have taken up way too much floor space. Sold it online for a few hundred bucks.
  14. Crash277

    Thought I seen everything!

    Amazing. I used to heat with a wood oil combo. It’s 3-4x larger than my propane only one. I do not miss that furnace.
  15. Crash277

    Do you drive fast?

    I raced motorcycles for a short bit. Cbr600rr. Was a blast. Crashed. And ended my short career. Learned a pile about riding motorcycles and recommend new riders go to a race weekend rent their bike and gear and go test their limits there.
  16. Crash277

    Do you drive fast?

    similar but no radar detector. Was young and dumb on a CBR929. Ripping a hilly country road. Easily 2-3x the limit. Crested a hill seen 2 suvs and 1 car on the side. Went down into the valley, dropped 3 gears. Slowed down to 90kph. They were setting up the Friday evening laser tripod earlier...
  17. Crash277

    SSQA snow plow worth the trouble?

    Ignore the strap. That was proof of concept day. I use a chain. atv plow fits on my my home made ssqa-v milti-use bracket I made. Works great. I use it in conjunction with a rear blower.
  18. Crash277

    3 point hitch

    spin that knob once in a while to help preventing it from seizing up. Every time I run my grease gun on my little BX I adjust it open. Close it. Then Count back to where I have it set.
  19. Crash277

    This Weather Event

    Snowed again! Gonna head out and move some more!
  20. Crash277

    This Weather Event

    been a long time since I looked it up but it pretty sure 20kph below the limit requires us to turn on our 4 way flashers. Tractor they are supposed to be on (well anything with a slow moving vehicle sign) and when I used to heavy haul. They went on till I reached highway speed because you...