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  1. procraftmike

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    Replaced the rear axle/tranny oil last night, replaced the filter and dumped 3 gallons of fresh oil in. I also drained the reservoir for the FEL. I have a few hoses to replace, while it is drained. I also installed a new key switch last night. New one fits nice a tight! A little progress each...
  2. procraftmike

    1977, B7100, front driveshaft looseness one has has dealt with this issue or noticed it?
  3. procraftmike

    1977, B7100, front driveshaft looseness

    I have noticed play in the front driveshaft. At first, I assumed I had a bad u-joint. But after further inspection, there appears to be play between each of the 2 upper yokes and the splines. There is a little play at each yoke, which adds up when you factor in both on top and possibly both on...
  4. procraftmike

    Broken radiator filler neck....repairable?

    Thanks NIW! I'll take some measurements to see if they are the same. For the price, I might just buy the auction neck and take it with me to the radiator shop. I have sweated water pipes together before. This can't be much different, but I think I will take it to the experts for that work...
  5. procraftmike

    Loose key switch, 1977, B7100

    I got it off. The trim ring is the nut. I just needed a bigger pliars. It was tightened down as tight as it would go, so it is missing something. Looks like I am missing a nylon washer that goes on the back side of the key switch, from some of the pictures I have found. That would explain the...
  6. procraftmike

    Broken radiator filler neck....repairable?

    I believe this still seals, but I would like to have it fixed, if possible. Anyone know if a radiator shop can replace the filler neck on a radiator
  7. procraftmike

    Loose key switch, 1977, B7100

    The key switch is loose on this recently purchased tractor. It rotates a little in both directions. I was expecting to see a nut on the back side, that I could tighten down. I am not seeing that. How does one tighten this switch down, so it does not rotate at all?
  8. procraftmike

    Tilt Steering.

    multi position seat = tilt
  9. procraftmike

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    It looks like rusty w/washer fluid that came out of them. I am dreading what the rims will look like, once the tires are removed. I would say they added close to 25 lbs. per tire. There was probably around 3 gallons of fluid in them, each... I will not be adding fluid to my new front tires. If...
  10. procraftmike

    What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

    I bought my B7100 in early February. It's just been sitting in the garage since. It finally warmed up enough to start working on her the last couple of nights. Doing a complete filter and fluid swap for starters. Got engine oil, steering box and front axle fluids changed. Removed front wheels...
  11. procraftmike

    Kubota bright orange paint.

    Valspar is good paint. Too bad Fleet Farm stopped carrying it. I think I read that Lowes carries it though. I will have to look...
  12. procraftmike

    B7100 fluid change, front axle ends.

    Thanks, I did the math after I posted and realized it probably wasn't as complicated as I was making it. I'm just used to seeing requirements of fluid levels being at or close to the fill plug opening. Unfortunately, I drained and refilled the steering box, so I will be short gear oil for the...
  13. procraftmike

    B7100 fluid change, front axle ends.

    I pulled the fill plugs on both front axle ends, expecting to see gear oil close to the fill plug opening, but did not. I ended pulling the drain plugs and draining the oil. There is a decal on both axle ends that says to add .15 qts, which I am guessing is about what came out. Normally I am...
  14. procraftmike

    Oil pressure Gauge install B7100

    Re: Oil pressure install B7100 Every system has it's weaknesses. You need to pick one and work with it. It is going to take a little time to drain oil pan out of a 1/8" line. If you are looking at your gauge every minute or 2, chances are you are going to catch it before it runs dry. After...
  15. procraftmike

    Added gauges to l1500dt

    Looks great! Wheres the speedometer? Just kidding. Great work!
  16. procraftmike

    Oil pressure Gauge install B7100

    Re: Oil pressure install B7100 T, Great post and very informative. You sure saved me a bunch of legwork when it comes time to do this install. It is on my list of things to do, just not near the top yet. Thanks!!!
  17. procraftmike

    Orange Fever

    Impressive job with the tear down!! Warmer weather is coming next week. I have plans to get started on the old girl next week.
  18. procraftmike

    Will this work - disc harrow question

    It should work, as long as the seed mix you are using allows for a little planting depth.
  19. procraftmike

    Overrunning clutch for short shaft PTO

    Thanks Sam!!...;)
  20. procraftmike

    Overrunning clutch for short shaft PTO

    Is this the one that is being used with the short shafted PTO's?