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  1. MXBX

    Thinking of buying a "NEW" B2620 (used for one winter by the Naval Academy)

    Re: Thinking of buying a "NEW" B2620 (used for one winter by the Naval Academy) I'm still on the fence re: the purchase. My thought is that the cab is going to get in the way as much as be a welcome addition.
  2. MXBX

    Thinking of buying a "NEW" B2620 (used for one winter by the Naval Academy)

    I need to make a commitment in 24 hrs. Here's the deal: Kubota tractor with aftermarket Curtis cab and heater, Loader 50" with added hooks (never installed), 60" MMM (never installed) Brand new Turf tires Loaded, and slightly used front end plow 60". Tractor has 40 hrs, Sold as "New" with...
  3. MXBX

    Using Ratchet Rake for clearing Bamboo

    It's pretty nasty but it does provide a privacy barrier and I find that regular mowing keeps it from taking over the fields. Right now I'm just pushing it back and reclaiming a area that I want to use for brush and other organic debris.
  4. MXBX

    Using Ratchet Rake for clearing Bamboo

    The research I've done says rip out as much as you can then cover it, block the light and mow, mow mow. I'm not a big fan of poison but do use it to control the poison ivy around here. We used to have horses and llamas. The llamas loved to eat the shoots and wiped out a large area. Now...
  5. MXBX

    Using Ratchet Rake for clearing Bamboo

    I spent an hour out there with my Piranha toothbar and it's working like a charm. Now what to do with the bamboo and rhizomes? This may require a few trips to the dump.
  6. MXBX

    Using Ratchet Rake for clearing Bamboo

    I have an established bamboo grove in a 50 X 20 foot area and would like to start digging it out. I know the roots are relatively shallow. Do you think the RR would work effectively? I'm also thinking of upgrading to a B series. Almost bought a B2920 with 104 hrs but they were hard hours and...
  7. MXBX

    What's a great buy on a B2920?

    Well, I've decided to go bigger because the price is so good. Now my question is MMM or trail behind finish mower? Decisions, Decisions....Anyone interested in a 300 hr BX2360 in great shape mechanically but with a few blemishes on the body? Willing to sell at a really good price.
  8. MXBX

    What's a great buy on a B2920?

    It comes with FEL and 100 hrs. Does not have mower at the moment, which I will certainly need. I really enjoy my BX2360 and it performs great for all the mowing I have which is 80% of it's duties in the summer. Wife and I have been thinking of putting in a garden. We have about 3 1/5 acres...
  9. MXBX

    Havin a ball in baltimore...

    I think I saw that in the movie "Borat" or maybe it was just a nightmare.
  10. MXBX

    BXpanded Bucket Hooks vs. Welded Hooks

    I've been using kenny's bolt on hooks for nearly a year now . They're great and Ken's a great guy to deal with.
  11. MXBX

    How many hours per year ?

    Bought mine about a year ago and have put on a little over 100 hrs. I use it for mowing, about 3 1'2 acres, snow removal, landscaping and projects.
  12. MXBX

    Free speech banned at U of MD...

    It wasn't the university that cancelled the showing! I'm a fan of the university, both of my kids have studied there and received a world class education, one in Mathematics and the other in biochemistry and physics.
  13. MXBX

    Removing Stumps

    The solution to my stump problem was to hire my neighbor with his L4400 to attack the big stuff with his BH. Worked like a charm, plus having another set of eyes, shovel and chainsaw really helped. I then cleaned up the area and leveled it for grass seeding.
  14. MXBX

    Fuel pump problem?

    I think it might have been diesel gelling. I was gone for a few days, the weather warmed considerably and voila! my BX runs perfectly. The fix was apparently waiting for spring.
  15. MXBX

    Fuel pump problem?

    Good morning, I started up the bx this morning and she started with no issues and ran smoothly for about 3 or 4 mins. then it started sounding rough and crapped out. I tried to start her again and noticed that ticking sound started and then stopped. She turned over and started, sounded rough...
  16. MXBX

    Dialing 911 on Cell Phone

    GPS takes people about a mile from our business. We get a few phone calls every week asking "Exactly where are you?" If we were running from the law, I'm sure they'd find us, however.
  17. MXBX

    Emergency brake

    As much as I admire Paul's ideas and workmanship that approach is not going to work on a BX which doesn't have an emergency brake light on the dash.
  18. MXBX

    Emergency brake

    Happy to report brakes worked fine and all my plowing is done.
  19. MXBX

    Emergency brake

    Mt Airy rd.
  20. MXBX

    Emergency brake

    Hey Dave, we're neighbors! Thanks for the suggestions.