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  1. cabu


    I like the documentation on TV. Beringsee gold dredging or much better burning money in porcupine creek. On my next trip to the states, I will also go onetwo days at a tourist gold washing spot. Will be fun. :rolleyes: But back to the question: If you want to see a lot of mistakes and problems...
  2. cabu

    I have a question about the big "K"

    Actually, don't think so. Would be nice from them to send some stuff and we would do a voting where everybody has two voices to give other members here in the forum. So the members here could point the stuff to some with the most tribute. Maybe some officials read these lines... :) carl
  3. cabu

    BX25D. Mod #1 and continued.

    Waiting... Waiting... still Waiting... :D carl ps. After I have built my chipper, I changed the way what to do with the branches. Because little animals loosing their habitats all around us, I thought it would be a good idea to built a biotop. Now I just throw everything on a heap. It has...
  4. cabu

    50 hr service any suggestions mx5100

    And that is the point. The oil is cheaper then a new set of gears. ;) der carl
  5. cabu

    2 Brand new OTT members / Bota lovers

    Looking forward to meet them next trip in Summer 2014. :) der carl
  6. cabu

    BX25D. Mod #1 and continued.

    Maybe it is a good idea to fix somehow the branch cutter. Otherwise it will jump out of the box, when you drive around in the wood. So, when will we see you working with wood?? :D carl
  7. cabu

    BX25D. Mod #1 and continued.

    Nice video. The LEDs really make a difference in the night!! carl
  8. cabu

    Old and Colorfull Arms

    No, they want to have 1475 Euro !!! :confused: And yes, I also have a K98. My one is from 1944, the barrel was changed to .308 and now more nicer to shoot. I can hold ~7cm at 100m with it. At the moment I have an entry to be allowed to buy a 45ACP. In Germany you need first to go to the...
  9. cabu

    BX25D. Mod #1 and continued.

    I don't believe the position of the lights is a good choice. For making light, yes of course. But when you jump on and off the seat, they are very close to be stressed many times... :( The aluminium cable holders looks good!! carl
  10. cabu

    Old and Colorfull Arms

    I was at a gun show this weekend. Actually it was more something for old WWI and WWII stuff and the very old things. I was not able to find something for my AR10, but I made some pictures: It looks like a tree with a barrel... :p And here somebody dropped a gun in a paint-box. The rate...
  11. cabu

    BX25D. Mod #1 and continued.

    I like it. I bought a toy tractor for my 3-year old daughter and she likes to cruise around in the backyard. It is a cheap china toy, but still working. @wildfire: If you fill up your museum with this things, don't you think, you need more space for more stuff. Maybe that's the reason for the...
  12. cabu

    Strange advertisement at OTT

    Funny Guy!! :p So why do I not get ads for rifels or chainsaws??? I don't think, that they use a cookie of google, because I have switched it off for google. You get more stuff like the upper lady in the netherlands. They have a more open culture even more open than Germany... So I guess its...
  13. cabu

    Strange advertisement at OTT

    Maybe some other guys are also facing sometimes advertisement here on OTT that is 'strange'. For me as a worldwide traveler it is funny to see the difference in differnet countrys. Maybe Mr.K and Vic do not realize that... :o eg Germany: "A webpage, you can find lovers fast."
  14. cabu

    Front end loader problem

    I guess it is the valve. If everything works fine and even the function is there, if you operate the valve with two directions, it looks to me, it is something in the valve. Let the dealer take a closer look inside and I believe they find something to fix! Thanx for your invitation :rolleyes...
  15. cabu

    Front end loader problem

    Sorry to hear that your orange friend has a problem. I hope your dealer will fix it. I will visit the States in Summer 2014 and cruise a little bit around. Maybe you are "onshore" in east Texas, I could drive by and inspect your status of independance :D I hope your project is doing fine and...
  16. cabu

    BX25D. Mod #1 and continued.

    @ wildfire: On the last picture I see, you use some self sticking mounts for tie-raps. We use them also, but even in a room with aircon they do not really last long. Maybe they need some special glue... carl
  17. cabu

    BX25D. Mod #1 and continued.

    After all of this modifications, do really want to take it in the woods and get damaged? You know, it not pushing snow around, the job in the wood will be different. I hope your little friend stay alive and shiny nice. ;) Have fun! carl
  18. cabu

    BX25D. Mod #1 and continued.

    And her is how the Dolmette is started: Link And here a short ride: Link The story around is, that a comic writer in Germany was once pushed to visit the factory of Dolmar. He was not amused, because he did not know what a motorbike driver should do there. But once he was there, he had an...
  19. cabu

    Woman escapes from Grizzly Attack With 25 Cal Pistol

    Women knows best. :cool:
  20. cabu

    Can't walk but want to ride a bike? Harley Davidson extra

    As you can see at the picture, the shifting is done over an electric actuator. Both brakes are operated over the handlebar lever. So somebody who is able to sit on the bike, but not able to move the feet, can drive that Harley... carl ps here is a link of one of this bikes...