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  1. ptwyz

    Kubota Convert with a few questions

    srbnet, first of all welcome to the site, glad you found it. I personnaly cannot answer your questions (I'm a newbie), but you are definately in the rite place. Questions about orange iron, (thank you whoever started that, it's so cool!), is what this forum is all about. I have faith you will...
  2. ptwyz

    Does anybody else have one of these, or know what it is.

    Totally agree!!! That would have been AWESOME to see.
  3. ptwyz

    Does anybody else have one of these, or know what it is.

    Genius :D:p:rolleyes::cool:
  4. ptwyz

    Happy Birthday digg71

    Happy "B" day Digg71 :D I'm 39 as well! Well, at least til August 2nd. Hope you got and got to do everything you wanted :rolleyes:
  5. ptwyz

    Does anybody else have one of these, or know what it is.

    That's why I adopted a BX. Didn't have the traction or the weight to make it work really well. Didn't think about the safety issues! Good point.
  6. ptwyz

    Orange "Personnel" Maintenance

    What about peaches :confused:???????:confused:
  7. ptwyz

    Hello and a b7610 question

    Welcome to the forum BEARHUNTER :D. I'm sure you will get the help you need here ;).
  8. ptwyz

    BTW, my wife is TOTALLY in love with your monkeys. Why does that sound perverted when I read it ;)

    BTW, my wife is TOTALLY in love with your monkeys. Why does that sound perverted when I read it ;)
  9. ptwyz

    Pssst, did you hear EM is back...

    Pssst, did you hear EM is back...
  10. ptwyz

    Nice to hear from ya Eric! Good to see you back on the forum! Oh, and ear breathing every now...

    Nice to hear from ya Eric! Good to see you back on the forum! Oh, and ear breathing every now and again is a GOOD thing ;)
  11. ptwyz

    parts diagrams (secret)

    The 26 series BX's use two inline fuel filters, one at the tank and one right before it goes into the engine. I don't remember seeing a shut-off valve for it though. It would be nice, I had diesel everywhere the first time I changed them out. Now I just clamp the lines before and after the...
  12. ptwyz

    Off topic, not orange and Mr. K forgive me (please)

    "Where DOES he get those wonderful toy's" er, pics? I think that was from one of the Batman movies.
  13. ptwyz

    Help us Ob1kubota, you're our only hope!!!

    You know I could have said he was in Kanada to throw off the empire instead of admitting I am an idiot!
  14. ptwyz

    Help us Ob1kubota, you're our only hope!!!

    Where the HELL did I get Kanada from :confused: ?????????????????? and where the HELL have you been :o ?????????????????? I know, computer thingy :( ... Nice to here from ya Eric :D
  15. ptwyz

    My plow project...

    irish, that's AWESOME! And homemade to boot! I give ya credit! alot of credit :D !!! How deep does it plow for you?
  16. ptwyz

    Another great website to bookmark!

    Pure genious :cool: . Now if I only had kids :rolleyes: ...
  17. ptwyz

    Does anybody else have one of these, or know what it is.

    O.K. Time to let the cat out of the bag. It is a 3PH for lawn mowers and tractors that don't have one. The winch is used to raise and lower the implement you are using. I have a rocker switch on one of the "handles" on my Toro that I used with this. Here is a pic with my disc cultivator on...
  18. ptwyz

    post hole auger

    On Land Pride post hole diggers, there is a "Down Pressure Kit" available which is basically a cylinder mounted on the arm of the digger. The Kool thing is, it will force the auger into the ground so that it can get a bite. I will try to post a pic.
  19. ptwyz


    handy, you are AWESOME :D:D:D !!! Thank you for the site info !!!
  20. ptwyz

    Going Implement CrAZy

    O.K. Where do I start, First of all, nice sled :D , nice dog :D , and nice BUCK :D:D:D !!!