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  1. NCL4701

    Tire Chains For Mud???

    Obviously I’m no expert on tire chains but for a picture of something that doesn’t mostly fall between the lugs, this is the general type of chain configuration I was looking into. Just looking at them they don’t look like the would fall in between the tire cleats. The also look like they’d...
  2. NCL4701

    Tire Chains For Mud???

    Appreciate all of the advice. One more question: Is it worth the extra trouble and money to chain the fronts or just chain the backs where most of the traction is? My father has a 9N Ford and Farmall H, both with R1’s of course but even with the R4’s the 4wd Kubota will outpull either of them...
  3. NCL4701

    Tire Chains For Mud???

    I see a lot of folks on here using chains for snow. See some suppliers such as with varieties of chains that are also rated for mud. Anyone using chains for mud? If yes any thoughts or advice? I have clay and R4’s. 95% of what I’m doing the R4’s are preferable as there’s a lot of...
  4. NCL4701

    Day One List

    The comment about shutting the engine off when dealing with the PTO, which you have to do to connect, disconnect, or replace a shear bolt: I agree a lot of guys I know would say that’s not necessary. And I’ve heard some say the stick figure dude who is wrapped around the shaft on the warning...
  5. NCL4701

    Rotary Cutter Width

    I’ve never posted on a HST v gear or tire v tire thread and I may regret this, but... I like my Kubota. Grew up on a farm driving nothing but gear drive, non-shuttle, 2wd, R1’s. I don’t do that now. I’m not a farmer and don’t care to be. At the rate I’m going so far I only put about 200hr/yr on...
  6. NCL4701

    Operator Deck Mat v Linex

    Thank you! If you have a pic or two, I’d love to see it. When I hit a dead spot a little later in the year I’ll definitely look at taking the platform and step off to get them lined.
  7. NCL4701

    Adventures in "Tractoring"......5-6hrs in......

    Are they bigger a few decades later... Could be some of that. 🤔 And my L4701 is a little stouter than a B2910. In reality I might have to use the grapple instead of the rotary cutter on 3” stuff. The rotary cutter is rated for 2” and I’ve used it for stuff that big, but 3” might be a bit much.
  8. NCL4701

    What Is Correct Procedure / Bucket Position When Parked In Garage

    With all our tractors and implements since I was a kid it has always been get it inside of at all possible, definitely if more than a few days, and always set down whatever was being held up by hydraulics. If the bucket is damaged from sitting on a garage floor or sitting on a dry shed floor...
  9. NCL4701

    2nd round?

    Don’t do it. Just don’t. If you do, remember, you have been warned. (And no that’s not a political comment.)😳
  10. NCL4701

    L4701hst DPF inhibit switch opetation

    If you don’t have any of the yellow dpf lights on the right side of the dash lit, you need someone (like your dealer) to diagnose it or someone with more knowledge than I have. If one of the lights on the right side near the temp gauge is lit, send a description or pic. Otherwise sounds like a...
  11. NCL4701

    L4701hst DPF inhibit switch opetation

    Same here on typos; I have plenty myself. This is what my dpf lights look like. This is what my instrument cluster looks like (when it’s doing the pre-start light check). If yours is different the rest of this is probably useless. Took a video but it wouldn’t post, so I’ll tell you about it...
  12. NCL4701

    L4701hst DPF inhibit switch opetation

    I just realized in all that lengthy post I made, I rudely did not answer your basic question. Unless your L4701 is set up differently than mine, having inhibit switch lit is not normal. It certainly isn’t for mine. Probably my ignorance but I am not familiar with the acronym “tbd” in relation...
  13. NCL4701

    L4701hst DPF inhibit switch opetation

    I believe my L4701 was mfg in 2019 but I’m not with it currently and could be wrong. If yours is older or newer referring to your manual may be advisable. At least so far for my L4701 so long as I increase rpm to steady the yellow blinky light when it blinks at me and don’t throttle down until...
  14. NCL4701

    BX25 won't reach top speed

    Thanks. I would definitely look into the skid plate if I get one (and check out the same issue on other brands for comparison). I can see the stock setup working fine in a lot of situations but it would limit it to the more domestic portions of our property in my case, which might be OK since I...
  15. NCL4701

    Need tips for making implement removal easier

    Lots of good advice. If you don’t want to spend the money on a Pat’s or quick hitch, maybe do it a few more times and if you find yourself still struggling with it get a Pat’s or a quick hitch. If you know someone local who can give you a hands on lesson that might help, too. Hookup for me is...
  16. NCL4701

    BX25 won't reach top speed

    I haven’t had that problem yet, but thanks for posting. I probably wouldn’t have thought of something as simple as debris limiting pedal travel in a similar scenario. I’ve heard there are a lot of vulnerable fiddly bits under the B’s and BX’s but don’t recall seeing a picture or video of the...
  17. NCL4701

    Bucket Leveling

    When I bought my tractor the dealer talked me out of a bucket level indicator. Convinced me I’d get the feel for it quickly. If I used the bucket constantly that might be true but most of the 170 hours on my tractor are grapple, forks, rotary cutter, and chipper. The level indicator may be...
  18. NCL4701

    Adventures in "Tractoring"......5-6hrs in......

    When I was about 20 the owner of the house I rented had about a half acre in back that he had let get out of control with 2” to 3” saplings and it bothered me so in exchange for a free month rent, I bought a bush axe, cleared it in a couple of afternoons, and hauled the brush to the local dump...
  19. NCL4701

    Poison Ivy

    For cleanup, as you state, it is an oil so soaps that are good at cutting oil seem to work well: Dawn, Go-Jo, etc. I would stay away from any shop type soaps that have pumice or similar sandy scrubbing components as abrading your skin isn’t advisable when it’s covered in poisonous oil. Along...
  20. NCL4701

    Learning to run a cutter

    The front PTOs and mid PTOs being high or model specific RPM make sense. Although my tractor had about 3x the HP of the OP’s it’s still a small tractor. My work tends to involve me in large ag equipment but only in the southeast US so there really are a lot of things common to other areas I’m...