The issue with vibration on a slope could be an engine mount rubbing on frame, that was a problem on my bx2660. Dealer cut off the offending piece - problem solved
Anyone have trouble moving the pto selector lever from rear attachment position to midmount position ? Sometimes my lever seems stuck and I have to work with it for a few minutes before it will move
Prices vary dealer to dealer and location across the country. Who cares what you pay for machine and attachments as long as the buyer is happy, all is well
Traded my bx for b2601 - mows great and more lifting capacity, only disappointment I thought it would be a smoother ride, not so. Eventually will upgrade to a suspension seat.
When changing the fuel filter on the b2601 will the fuel stop flowing when the housing is unscrewed, I don't see a shut off valve ? The owners manual is not very informative. Thanks for any help in this area.
Did the shop vac trick for the hydraulic filter. I would suggest using maybe a 3hp vac because my 6.5 hp sucked about a quart and half of fluid into the shop vac even though it was only on 5-10 seconds. Took longer to clean the shop vac then to do the 50 hour service. Lol