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  1. DaveFromMi

    Just the beginning, like it or not

    Sounds like a slow motion train wreck that we are forced to watch.
  2. DaveFromMi

    Anybody know this tractor sales girl?

    What tractor?
  3. DaveFromMi

    What does the sticker on your vehicle say about you or what people may think about you

    Purdue University license plate holder only. I've seen a few good ones: Keep honking, i'm reloading. My kid beat up your honor student. I hear voices and they don't like you. Yosemite Sam Back off! mud flaps.
  4. DaveFromMi

    Land plane or box blade with scarifiers for an icy gravel driveway?

    Are cinders from a coal power plant available? The county highway departments use cinders on hills around here.
  5. DaveFromMi

    Whats the coldest temps outside you will run your Kubota?

    50/50 coolant concentration assuming standard glycol mix is probably not sufficient for that area. Mine is in an unheated garage and it started at -24°C the other morning after ~20 seconds of glow plugs.
  6. DaveFromMi

    Superdutys are dangerous and should be banned

    Couldn't find anything about the rear seats, but there are 2 sensors for each front seat: seat pressure and seat belt tension.
  7. DaveFromMi

    Superdutys are dangerous and should be banned

    Maybe...some sensor is detecting weight, like an occupant, with no seat belt hooked up. Not sure how the rears work, but probably like the front belts. Weight sensors in the front also determine how hard the airbags deploy, kid vs adult weight.
  8. DaveFromMi

    Are you enjoying the weather change?

    -7°F here in Southern Indiana with 45 mph wind gusts. We got about 4" of snow. Going to wait a couple of hours to clear things off. Hopefully the wind dies down. It was about -10°F at sunrise. The tractor started up with no problems.
  9. DaveFromMi

    Are you enjoying the weather change?

    Is the Texas grid going to hold up this time?
  10. DaveFromMi

    Who's Using a Trickle Charger / Battery Tender?

    I use a couple of Diehard Brand maintainers. They claim to have desulfating capability.
  11. DaveFromMi

    Tractoring at -50c / -58f

    I worked at Ford and wound up in Thompson, Manitoba working with ECM calibrators back in the 1990s. The vehicles were shipped there from Dearborn. The next morning, the temperature was down to -48C. 3 of the 4 test vehicles had frozen and cracked batteries. The coolants were mixed at 50/50, so...
  12. DaveFromMi

    Tractoring at -50c / -58f

    I have been on a couple of business trips to Timmins, ON in January, different years. Temperatures got down to -40°C (°F) several nights. Yeah we went there for cold weather. Both times, there was a Team of Japanese Kubota Engineers evaluating cold weather performance. They were wearing company...
  13. DaveFromMi

    Pull behind brush cutter

    This might be what is needed:
  14. DaveFromMi

    Had a visitor over the last few days…..

    There are several levels of the food chain in the back corner of the property.
  15. DaveFromMi

    best degreaser for small parts

    I use brake cleaner or kerosene depending on the situation.
  16. DaveFromMi

    Help me

    Could it be fuel gelling?
  17. DaveFromMi

    Pros and cons of snow removal options

    Check again. In this area of the country, the ' symbol means feet. Yes, yards are longer than feet. The video is not mine.
  18. DaveFromMi

    Pros and cons of snow removal options

    And now for something completely different. When we moved to the home place, money was tight and I got the idea that all the work around here could be done with a DR brush cutter with attachments. I got the brush cutter, finish mower, and grader blade attachments. After we settled in, I came to...
  19. DaveFromMi

    Where do I point heater

    My Dad used a torpedo heater for a 1974 JD 830 diesel. The heater was pointed at the crankcase and block on the fuel side.
  20. DaveFromMi

    'Fess Up'......mistakes you've made or close calls.......

    Past history: My Grandpa flipped a JD Model 60 over on himself and was killed. My Dad had a JD Model B driving a conveyor for a corn crib. I was kicking corn out of the gravity bed and heard the tractor die. The hired hand was wrapped up in the driveshaft (loose coat). Thank God the B was...