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  • Vic, I have an older a 1990 Kubota D 950 in a Jacobsen mower and it smokes when you start it for about 2 min, then clears up and can mow all day no problem.I was told by friend to get injectors tested,which I did at dealer and was told 1 was bad ,2 were fair.
    I got 3 new injectors and installed and also cleaned fuel tank,new lines and filter.
    It still does the same thing,any clues? Thanks George
    I recently purchased a new bx2360. The loader manual states that the combine weight of tire ballast and 3 pt ballast should not exceed 420 lbs. I have loaded tires with 123 lbs. Can I damage the tractor or null the warrantee if I have 300 lbs on the hitch with the loader or with the snow blower? Thanks
    mr vic i was given a little kubota tractor. i dont know what model it is or anything i found come numbers on the engine block and are as follows D850-A-497293 is there anyway you can tell me what model the tractor is and possibly what year thank you for any help
    Mr Vic Sir. I have just traded for a Kabota, B-7100, w/loader, and FS850 tiller. Could you tell me the year? Serial number off the transmission, left side. (b7100-50062) Thank you. Don, Kokomo, In 46902

    I anticipate asking a pile of L1801 questions as tractors are new to me.
    Am I better off asking questions in general maintenance or Grey forum?
    Thanks Vic.
    Hello Vic,

    Thanks for your reply regarding owners manual for the Daedong Tractor. I will forward a photo shortly.
    hi vic, i have a zd28 that the left wheel has just about completely quit moving....you can only drive at a very slow speed if your lucky. Is there anything that i can do to test this or help to figure out the problem. I am a Ford technician so i'm pretty handy. looking for a manual or some help. could you please point me in some direction..
    Sorry Vic, Iposted the reply but it disappears somewhere. Here it is again

    My address is 6836 Lakes rd, Duncan,BC,V9L5W4. Or I have relatives in Calgary, and they're more than happy to pick them up for me.

    Hi Vic,
    Just wonder if you still have these parts as you mentioned in this post:

    "I also stock the correct aftermarket 3 point hitch setup specifically made for the B7001. It includes all the parts and pieces necessary to up convert from a 2 point to a full 3 point without any modification, drilling or dickin around! Budda-Bing, Budda -Boom. Time for a beer!

    I’ve upgraded several B7001’s to 3 points and when done, they look and perform factory! Hitch is $329 complete, and worth every penny in saved frustration, tire clearance issues, etc. Been there and done that with the cheap crap that didn’t work!"

    Could you contact me and let me know. Also, Do you know where can I get the 42" brush cutter or a flail mower for the B7001.


    B7200 Hyd pump change. To raise my confidence level a bit I'd certainly appreciate a general guide on the steps required to change my "weak" and probably worn hyd. pump. (Can't lift 100 lbs after oil is warmed up) Do you, or anyone out there have a check list of how to go about changing the B7200 hyd. pump, i.e Bleed Hyd pressure, turn off fuel lever, remove gas filter assy, etc. etc. I just want to do this safely. I have questions like 1. Should I drain the Hyd. oil before starting? 2. Will the new pump require priming, or should I just slobber some oil on. I'd certainly appreciate any list of the steps, or some good advice. Thanks once again for all the help you guys are!!
    Mr. Vic I change the fuel filter on my kubota L1500. Done everything the way it should be done it run for about 5sec I bleed the injector lines untill fuel came out with no air bubbles but it still will not run what could be problem.
    thank you vic . i hope to stay with ag tires im just trying to get out of buying wheels lol. but i dont want to harm my tractor either ! and sorry to bother you again but the hydro oil is perfectly clean cant hardly see it on the dipstick and no problems .but since i purchased it used a few weeks ago would you recomend changing it to give me a peace of mind ? the lady i purchased it from had it serviced regularly at the kubota dealership i talked to the service tech. thats how i found about it but forgot to ask about hydro oil.
    i have a b8200 4x4 with turf tires im wanting to convert to ag tires i bought rears 12.4-16 with wheels tires are new cond. still have titties on traction bars for $400.00 . my question is my turf tires are size 24x8.5-12 the book calls for 6-12 front can i mount 6-12 tires on my turf wheels i know it will be spreading them a bit but will it change the height of the tire enough to hurt my 4x4 ? thanks any help will be appreciated
    Vic, I put a post on take out crimp and hydralic problem in the wrong forum "implement and operatiing" instead of the repair area. Maybe you could move it. Sorry. Thanks for all you do.

    Tom (valvejob)
    Vic, I need to get a parts manual for a B7100 or B7001, I am not sure which it is, it has a D750A engine, that I need to rebuild. I want to make sure I can get parts before I have machine work done.
    Thanks for any help you can give me.
    Looking for a easy and quick way to replace the transmission drive shaft on a G1900
    I have a 2002 L4300D Kubota. I was mowing with it and shut it off for the night. A few days later I tried starting it and nothing. I checked battery, oil, water, air cleaner, hydraulic & fuses. The hydraulic was low and I couldn't tell how low so I drained the case. I installed 5-6 gallons (all I had at the time) and it brought the oil up about 1/4 of the way on the site glass. I will finish topping off today after work. Do you think this could be the problem or do you have any other ideas. I even by passed the sensors on the pto & the speed control arm and still nothing.
    Hi Vic,
    I too am new. I have a 2005 L2800 and noticed hydraulic fluid on the ground and coming from the bottom of the clutch area and followed up the wetness and found the Hydro pump inlet hose, coming from the filter area to the pump on the engine, was cracked and seeping fluid. After looking at some info on another forum site(tractorbynet), I heard it was widespread and maybe covered under warranty and/or replaced free of charge. Since it is in a negative pressure realm, there was not a large volume of fluid leaking out. I read that the big problem is that it sucks air and whatever else into the system and can ruin it. I am trying to find some more posts on this subject here but so far not much said. Have you heard of this?
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