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  • it may be just the bearing at the bottom. the shaft and gears look ok to me but im no expert. i do know the bearing at the bottom is in pieces.
    hello mr. vic...i am a new member and i have a question. I have a 1974 kubota L140, the steering just went out in it and i guess i need a rebuild or new kit for it. do you know where i can order or find one please? i have been searching theweb but cant seem to find anything, my search skills probably aint to good.
    hey Vic i hate to keep bothering you but i can not find a flow restrictor at any of the local hydraulic shops. any help would be great. also it goes in the out port right? i have in, out, pb. the out goes to the fill cap adapter
    hey Vic, i used the hydraulic line roughting sheet you had posted a few months ago, i ran the in to the in and the out to the fill port and then the pb to the port in the hydraulic block next to the in. my question is would the loader go down any slower if i switch the pb and the out? my loader drops so fast that with a load it will almost tip the tractor even with weights. or is that not possible?
    I have a BX2200 330 Hrs. it started leaking oil up in front by the flywheel I assumed it was the rear seal which is actucally in the front, but when I removed the flywheel oil came out of one of the bolt holes which holds the flywheel to the crank I wiped out the hole and it looks like all the others. Why would it be leaking oil through the crank or am I just imaging things, the seal itself looks good and as wet as the flywheel is it almost had to be coming from the center of the crankshaft itself.
    VIC, New here! Need Help With: R&R KX 91-2 Injector Pump
    I can't find procedure even in compleat set of Kubota manuals. Pump is a Bosch MD Mini pump. Any Ideas? THANKS! EMAIL: rogc@optonline.net
    Hi Vic, just purchased a B7000 from the RB auction in Nisku and have had it shipped to me here in northern BC. I love the tractor but was wondering if you know where to get a repair manual for it as I would love to work on it myself. Thanks
    Hey Vic
    Just realized your in Alberta (South of Edmonton myself) I thought you were from the states. I am new to the site so forgive the newbee questions. Cheers

    I'm new to the site and just wanted to track your posts. Obviously you have a wealth of info. From the looks of your profile you are one busy man. I really appreciate the depth of knowledge you have and the willingness to share. Not only do you share but you have a wonderful demeanor with not so smart questions and people.

    I look forward to many hours here at this site. I have a ZD28F. I used to own a Grande L 4650 with cab and shuttle shift tranny.
    Service Dept. Vic.
    I have attached a link to ebay that has a regulator to fit my B8200HST. The problem is I see an un-attached Black wire. I am concerned it may have gotten cut while opening the package. Is this simply a ground wire to be attached to the body or frame or should it be connected to the regulator? All the others I have seen, different types, have the black wire running into the regulator.
    Thanks for your help

    The brakes are the problem. (sitting in the seat) the left brake is completely missing, housing and all internal parts, right brake has the housing or drum which ever you call it, but internal parts are gone or broken. The only info I can give you at present is this from the data tag:
    L-3500; 10420; DS1900; 36ps; 2740rpm. I know it would be difficult to get parts sent here(Thailand), from where you're at, but if you can find them I'll have you send them to my Michigan address and I'll just bring them back next year when we return in December. If the info I gave isn't enough I'll go to town and get whatever is needed(tractor is at the kubota dealer in town). Thanks for the reply and I hope we're on the way to getting this tractor back to work. FarmerDon
    I see where you have helped or given advice on finding parts for odd model or rare model Kubotas. I have this L-3500 which I need brake parts for and there seems like there isn't another L-3500 in the world to salvage from. Can you help in any way?
    I have a B8200 HST that is not charging. It has a pretty new battery so it will run. I tested the voltage before and while idleing, at the battery posts. Basically 12.4. Where is the voltage regulator and how do I test it to verify if it or the alternator is bad. Actually, it is not an alternator as it is an older model. KubBRC
    Hi Service Department VIc-
    Thanks for moderating this forum. This is a great service and the videos are very useful. Keep up the good work.
    I have a parts compatability question. I have a B6100. good machine, but missing the 3-point. Can the 3-point hitch assembly (lower bracket, upper bracket, the works..) from a BX23 be used on a a B6100? Also, which models have parts that are interchangeable? B6100 & B7100, Any others? thanks so much. David in Alaska
    G'day, I have a great little B7000, however the front right hand side 4wd small cog has stripped and the larger cog is worn. I was wondering if anyone could help with the part numbers. I've just purchased a manual but this will take some time to arrive.
    Cheers from Australia
    Got on the list last fall for b7200 steering shaft. Haven't heard anything, did I miss them?

    Jerry Guy
    Vic. SAW A ZEN_Noh ZL1802 DT A with the word Automatic on the side. Is this a hydrostat drive? What does the Auto mean? thanks. Lexwan. By the way I have a regular ZL1802 which is a 16/4 man trans.
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