japan ninja shaping earth
woah, reverse tricking working great, got you rid of puddle pretty much
keep you studying why that reverse trick work so good, imaging the motion of the dirt
soon make diagram about why it plane your realm so well
electrical situation: this is your dinky chinese inverter that ran your whole shop that fixed your robot, all powered by the sun
it has a mind of its own, turn off randomly, turn on somewhat reliably
it has to be rebuild once with a new motherboard, they're junk
it really is true: when that reverse trick plane out your realm, with zero input from you
in that state you heart is healing, the comfort of zero input from you and actual result/cash/gold
witness you the result of:
low gear, steering cut one way entirely, about a 20 foot diameter of your crop circle leveling target
here's a receipt of you:
doing your ninja reverse leveling trick, with no hand on the steering
enjoy your realm being shaped with free hand to do whatever
you check on it once in a while just to make sure you aint gonna hit nothin
you can do this in high gear with about a 30 foot diameter leveling area
icing on the cake: you were playing with your device, not looking at your realm,
5 minute later: you look at your realm and say,
woah, it leveled out my realm with me looking at it i was doing something else
there is nothing more hillbilly than what you just witness
woah, show you what you did:
high gear, 2 wheel drive, cut it pretty tight, 75% throttle
maniacal ninja spinning big steel blade lugging crazy amount of earth,
do this for 30 minute, and your dizzy coming off your japan ninja robot,
your about to fall from dizzy, but no, your ninja robot make the realm so plane, that you dont fall
this clip singlehandely just RIPed the modern skid loader:
here you are in high gear 2 wheel drive, spinning your ninja with about a 24 foot diameter
the clip is in real time, witness your realm being planed, and both hand free
rip skid loader
(this lesson sponsored by hillbilly trust fund)
in the diagram you have a low point surrounded by high point
the blue arrow is your big steel blade swinging direction
this is why your realm plane out with no effort from you
no matter what, doing these strides push dirt into the low point eventually because gravity
woah, with gravity and your japan ninja trick, solve you major puddle problem while your hand are free to do whatever
zero thinking, barely looking at it
more hillbilly science:
imagine that the dirt is water, your blade swinging it in this drain like fashion,
how water go down a drain, in that circular motion,
you are using this hillbilly logic to get rid of your puddles from on
woah: your blade swing dirt like water down into the drain/low point