Fixing hole in side of block

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L35/TL720/BT900/York rake/Valby chipper
Jun 13, 2010
I feel like with an extension or 2 on a 3/8” ratchet you could of got to that bolt on your starter without the need to remove your exhaust manifold, no?
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L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023
formal introduction to your new best friend, reflection, burp of your earth


with the loader rails and everything in front of you, it is very tight to get that top bolt without taking off exhaust

you have no room in there, the bolt is stripped, it is just easier on your heart to do it this way

yes you are right though, if you had proper extension and angle adapter etc, you would have been able to get starter off without removing exhaust


reflection: the molten bracket complex that kept snapping in half is no longer snapping in half


the bracket that you pump $50 or more of magic gas turning it into one entity, is magically staying

show me one person that believe that it is staying put? you can't believe it as you type it

you are talking about the rear bracket you melted the rebar/nails into, and you melted it together with the bracket that hold your fender

what you did yesterday and it somehow did not break:

you were LUGGING earth from the high point to the low point with puddles, in LOW gear, bucket all the way,

with insane MIGHT, you robot staying structurally sound, for hour and hour, diesel engine singing, calming down your heart

your suspicion: the rear bracket has less stress on it when your front support (that you melted the wheel spacer into) is intact, and since all the point of your loader connecting to your tractor are intact,

it spread the stress across all the mounting point, causing none of them big stress to break them

lesson: soon as one support break, DO NOT keep running it or you will snap your robot in half

underestimate you not how much might you need for your robot to lug around your realm and how much stress it cause on your steel structure


all your magic trick holding that hold your loader to the tractor, but the only magic trick that broke is your FEL valve

later today:

melt you a long steel rod/bolt/something across where your FEL valve weld keep snapping,

the longer the better, since it will spread the stress

you try to narrate this for the audience, that you cannot just melt 2 entity and expect them to stay intact, NO

where your weld break, you need spread the stress, and connect the 2 entity couple inches away from the breaking point (later you see what you mean with picture)

also you never got a proper formal introduction to your new best friend,

in few hour, you get a narrative that has been brewing in the bowel of your earth, deep inside your earth, coming to the surface, your new best friend , wait til you hear it


formal introduction

yes, here is your new best friend acetylene, in its natural state, witness you it

all machine come apart when lugging our realm year after year

machine will break into multiple entity from lugging the earth

then, the earth burp up a magic gas, after million and million of year sitting deep in the bowel of our earth

then you capture that magic gas, and it melt your machine back into its original state as being 1 entity

then your machine get back to shaping your realm for year after year

summary: with a tiny burp of gas from your earth, you reinstate the structural integrity of your machine, so you can gather gold and gold for year and year



melt back your busted FEL valve together somewhat, then

melt you a new separate bracket that connect the part that keep breaking onto the steel rail (not the rod that it was connected to)


clamp you a couple bracket



why is acetylene your best friend?

it sat in the earth for million and million of year fermenting, then

it come out the earth to heal your robot, to get you the gold/wealth

it dont care about english language or any of the chatter in your head

cry you tear of joy when you discover your new best friend!

enough with the chit chat, finish you off your magic trick



melt your 2 random bracket laying around connecting your fel valve that keep busting to the big steel rail

hold you that big flame with 2 hand, your heart pointing and dictating the angle of the flame,

manipulating steel molten into low point until it successfully bind with your second entity

when that steel molten puddle bind with the intended point,

your heart and brain are also slowly reintegrating, healing from their damage,

slowly becoming one again

you being forced to sit there in this neutral state, deciding where to point the flame, the same is occurring inside you, meaning

in the non clench state of making successful magic, your heart recognize clench and start to ease, just like the steel easing its strength, turning to molten, connecting to the 2nd entity

it is a mirror - what you are doing with the big flame, the same is occurring to your heart/mind connection

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Active member

L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023
will your busted FEL valve hold? and rebuild your 2 leaky bucket cylinder

later on you find out if your 2 household bracket fused onto the big steel rail holding your FEL valve, will hold

you musta tried a magic trick 4-6 time already and they keep on breaking, you remember melting a long steel bolt thinking that would hold, nope

you are so addicted to riding your diesel Japan robot complex, that you cannot get yourself to fix the leaky bucket cylinders, enough already

be you like a Japanese artist if you fix those bucket cylinder

try to imagine it: your robot fully intact from all the magic conducted, and you have bucket control, without losing all your hydraulic fluid,

your robot controlling your bucket perfectly, lugging your earth with precision and control, robot staying structurally sound, diesel engine singing calming down your heart, eliminating your worry, putting gold in your pocket,

can you imagine it?

summary: let go of your addiction of riding your japan diesel steel complex, rebuild the 2 leaky bucket cylinder, shape your realm like a meek japan artist


your busted cylinder even come apart because you bust that long rod that hold it together when you took it apart aggressively


you melt 2 household bracket hoping your fel valve stop coming apart


because your an idiot riding your robot with the exhaust hanging, putting all weight on manifold,

your magic trick bust and is causing fume to disturb your peace when riding your robot, conduct you magic


the $57 dollar rebuild kit for your cylinder, you are grateful it come with locking rod since you busted all yours trying to remove them

your exact plan:

take off the cylinders, get you a table setup and chair, rebuild them properly, then

reinstall them back on, clear out all your plumbing issue, fill it up with hydraulic fluid, then test if they are not leaky


show you easy way to take apart your cylinder head:

put the pin in secure it to bucket, use you a big ol pipe wrench to take apart your cylinder head






you mighta put those packing seal backward but they went in way easier the way you see in photo

give it a shot, you used all your seals on that cylinder, you might need another kit for the next one
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L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023
seal you a cylinder, bust you a hydraulic line


got your pin in mostly, then broke your pin, hopefully it hold


tool you need to get the pin in: sledgehammer and sharp chisel


reinstall your cylinder all hardware


turn on your japan diesel, robot move bucket, bust you a hydraulic line

it musta got wedged and torn


woah, no leak from your rebuild cylinder

go shape some realm and see if the bucket stay put (probably not)


shape your realm, lug earth backward, boom

now your lift cylinder come apart since maybe your pin/rod couldnt hold, unbelieveable



your lift cylinder bust open, make you a big ol hydraulic mess

what you can do:

take the pin out, try to get something else in of similar thickness take place of your busted locking pin/rod

also you can seal your busted exhaust manifold while thinking of what what to order/do

so far you need at least one hydraulic hose, a rebuild kit for your other bucket cylinder, and maybe more locking rod/pin



take out the old busted ring, go you through your scrap pile, decide to use a bronze welding rod

hammer in your bronze welding rod fit snug, lug around your realm for 1 hour,

woah, bronze welding rod fixed your busted open lift cylinder

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Lil Foot

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1979 B7100DT Gear, Nissan Hanix N150-2 Excavator
May 19, 2011
Peoria, AZ
I have never thought that loader was the correct one for that tractor, but now I'm sure of it.
In the pic above that shows the bucket, I see two horizontal beams that just end in space in front of the radiator.
Aren't they supposed to be attached to something?
Maybe that lack of support is one of the many factors contributing to breakage?

Maybe kinda like these?
hood stop.jpg
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
seal you a cylinder, bust you a hydraulic line

View attachment 147439

got your pin in mostly, then broke your pin, hopefully it hold

View attachment 147440

tool you need to get the pin in: sledgehammer and sharp chisel

View attachment 147441

reinstall your cylinder all hardware

View attachment 147442

turn on your japan diesel, robot move bucket, bust you a hydraulic line

it musta got wedged and torn

View attachment 147443

woah, no leak from your rebuild cylinder

go shape some realm and see if the bucket stay put (probably not)

View attachment 147448

shape your realm, lug earth backward, boom

now your lift cylinder come apart since maybe your pin/rod couldnt hold, unbelieveable

View attachment 147449

View attachment 147450

your lift cylinder bust open, make you a big ol hydraulic mess

what you can do:

take the pin out, try to get something else in of similar thickness take place of your busted locking pin/rod

also you can seal your busted exhaust manifold while thinking of what what to order/do

so far you need at least one hydraulic hose, a rebuild kit for your other bucket cylinder, and maybe more locking rod/pin

View attachment 147456

View attachment 147457

take out the old busted ring, go you through your scrap pile, decide to use a bronze welding rod

hammer in your bronze welding rod fit snug, lug around your realm for 1 hour,

woah, bronze welding rod fixed your busted open lift cylinder

You do NOT hammer the rod into place.
You insert the hook into the hole in the gland then turn the gland cap to wind and set it all the way around in the slot, locking the gland to the cylinder.
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Jun 22, 2023
Seriously Wolf you'll need a couple puffs off joe's pipe to grasp the whole picture the way joe does.
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Kioti CK2620SE cab, RTV-X, BX2360, Z726XKW-3-60
Jul 29, 2023
I'm surprised he didn't sand and repaint the cylinder rod...
There is enough sand in the hydraulic oil to do the sanding over time. Then add another magical coat of leak stopping paint. Joe is world famous now for sharing his alternative block fixing techniques 😬.
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Hugo Habicht

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Jun 24, 2024
There is enough sand in the hydraulic oil to do the sanding over time.
At this stage I ask myself if Joe has actually more sand in the hydraulic oil or more hydraulic oil in the sand ...

And I'd really like to know what he is smoking ...
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B2910, BX2200, KX41-2V mini Ex., Beer fridge
May 24, 2019
North of Pittsburgh PA
We've all seen videos of repairs made in 3rd world countries, that actually work and sometimes we are impressed with the results, being so different than most in this country would ever attempt...

Can't help but wonder what people in those countries would think about Joe's approach...perhaps they would share a bit of amazement with us here?
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Kubota L2501DT BH77 VIRNIG URG60-CT 1950 8N
Mar 26, 2021
central ny
I just can't buy in to the taking the big ol pipe wrench to the surface of that inside piece that holds that stacked seal assembly making teeth marks on it. If it is steel it could score the cylinder bore. If aluminum just chewing the thing up needlessly and the potential for pieces to come off it and ruin the seals.
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Hugo Habicht

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Jun 24, 2024
We've all seen videos of repairs made in 3rd world countries, that actually work and sometimes we are impressed with the results, ...
Yes, I would agree, and I have seen pictures of those repairs. But they would have known that any dirt, grit, sand, contamination is the ultimate death of any hydraulic system. They would have worked in the sand but still being meticulously clean (at least the ones doing long term successful repairs).

Joes repair may work for now but ultimately the hydraulics will fail with pump pressure decreasing, valve leakage increasing and cylinders starting leaking.

I am sorry, I thought initially Joe would manage to successfully repair this tractor, and I tried to give him support but he seems to be too advice resistant and wants to make his own (time and money intensive) mistakes.
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L295DT, BX1500
Mar 18, 2023
japanese assassin, land leveling 101

you ever know someone you thought was nobody, then they do something extraordinary and then you look at them differently?

you thought your japan robot hydraulic diesel complex was at its limit, then

your japan robot amaze you


in this photo, you have high point in center, swing your blade the motion of the strides in diagram





land leveling 101:

what you witness:

go you in circle backward, swinging big steel blade, along the hight point of your realm,

it will knock it down and plain out your existence

last time you did this trick with modern skid loader, overheated after 30 minute

you did this for 5 hour straight with your japan diesel, ZERO overheating not even close

you would even get the throttle up to 80% and just go for hour and hour

try THAT with your "modern" skid loader

icing on your cake: zero input from you, 2 wheel drive high gear, bucket slight up, your Japan assassin in charge now

the japan assassin, you look at your robot differently now

a puddle that you have been battling for 2 or more year, finally

could be solved by your rediscovered trick

have you a hallelujah moment when you solve your puddle problem

almost 60 page into your thread, and your giving land leveling lesson


In the pic above that shows the bucket, I see two horizontal beams that just end in space in front of the radiator.
Aren't they supposed to be attached to something?
Image 2-6-25 at 7.59 PM.jpg

this is factory image of your loader, you can see they do have a beam connecting those 2 point

problem: if you put a beam there, you won't be able to open up your hood, it block it

maybe: forget the hood, do you a big ol magic trick putting a beam there, let it marinate

You insert the hook into the hole in the gland then turn the gland cap to wind and set it all the way around
yes, agreed

get this: you even said that 20 or 25 page ago last time you were wrestling with your cylinders

what an idiot: you figure stuff out then you forget the protocol/method/trick
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