When I bought mine, I had enough left in the budget to get the three rear remotes and top/tilt with the original delivery, but I couldn’t justify the expense to myself so I skipped them. I knew I could really use them on my first project, renovating the driveways and common private road neglected for at least 25 years, but I didn’t think I’d use them enough after that to justify the cost.
Several months past the road rehab, I realized I was wrong. With the road, a couple miles of trails, creek crossings, etc. I started to understand after doing some heavy rehab, they needed routine minor touch ups to keep them draining correctly and in good condition. It’s awfully quick and easy to be tooling down a trail using the boxblade for nothing other than ballast, see a ditch that’s getting silted in, throw the blade off at an angle, clear the ditch, level up, and keep going without ever stopping.
No telling how many hours they’ve saved me. That and there are things you can do when you can adjust on the fly that you can’t do turning turnbuckles while stationary.
Only downside I’ve seen is they ain’t cheap. And, as you know, there are plenty of options. You’re a smart guy so I’m sure you’ll figure out what you want/need.