When your property is No longer an Ag exemption, timber, status etc your no longer in a business to produce products or provide livestock or crops etc for resale.. Legally your not supposed to buying goods&services for your wildlife exemption property tax free. Like I said, I wouldn't want to be the one that gets an audited from the State. Get with a CPA, for sound advice.
To keep it simple, if you no longer have an expedition you have to pay a sales tax like everyone else right? Seems pretty straight forward.
The reason I ask is my neighbor (Calif. resident) whom I used to work for has had wildlife for over 30 years, before that for about 10 his dad ran cattle on the place.
Anytime I bought anything that was to be used to maintain the place I never paid tax.
Bandera County had some pretty strict rules on wildlife exemption. He had me keep records of everything and bunches of pictures of everything they required and more. He would overwhelm the tax office with paperwork every year and never had a problem. Biggest savings so far was the 5500 gallon water tank that looks like it's made of stone, I'm sure you've seen them, over $10k, so he cleared it with his accounts and there it was in all it's splendor.
As far as IRS, he had 2 accountants, one for his business in California, and one for Texas.
Never a tax problem, so I'm not quite sure what you are trying to tell me.