After the tree project, I was going to shut off & drain the water to the cabin, go home , & rest, only to discover a foot of standing water over the stop & waste valve.
Called the local licensed plumber and he said he could get there the next day after noon, but his excavation guy could no get there till 3 days after that. (plumber doesn't dig)
But the plumber said if I would dig it, he would come out and do the plumbing work.
I was exhausted from the tree job, but I shut the main off & started digging.
After I had the pipe exposed, the standing water went away overnight.
Plumber installed a new type stop & waste and a new yard hydrant, and I (almost) finished filling the hole with clean fill, instead of the rocky, root-filled junk that came out.
I was too tired to finish, but it will only take another bucket or two of fill & some raking to complete.
(next trip)
1st pic starting dig with standing water, next two more digging progress, next awaiting plumber & a refuel, last almost done