Hi I have two builds going this small shed and a 20x24 tractor shed that I am woefully behind on. I did purchase the trusses for the tractor shed in June but will not get them until October. I tried to order the trusses for the small building but the delivery date was end of december. that is why I built these.FWIW: I built a garage this summer and ordered trusses. They were factory made and approved by an engineer. I'm in a region where we get lots of snow.
They are 30' long with a 6/12 pitch. All built with simple 2x4s. I have 1 truss every 24".
I actually had to build and extra one myself since my design changed and I made the garage 2' wider. Like @Old_Paint said, I used little pieces of plywood instead of the metal things on every joints. The metal ones are expensive.