All those situations and places that you point out that they have piped exhaust, I'll bet they went though engineering departments, inspections, and certifications to make sure they were safe.
You said I want to pipe my diesel exhaust pipe in with my wood stove pipe, that was my number 1 NO!
I didn't want to get into the why nots but you seem hard pressed to prove me wrong.
1: What happens when the Exhaust from the Diesel when the wood stove isn't running?
Is it going to magically always want to go up and out... Nope so your really calmly working at the bench when bam, your head hits the bench, its ok though as you're asleep and you'll be dead shortly anyways.
2: So you been running the diesel for quite some time and decide that it's getting a bit chilly in the shop, throw in some paper and wood light it up and BAM end up laying in the front yard wondering WTH happened, well this would be called combustible carbon and combustible petroleum build up and remains.
3: So you've not blow the shop sky high from past burns, but one day when it's cold you get that wood stove fired up and WOW is it getting warm in here... That would be the stack fire that is now accelerating out of control, just like those fancy jet engines you noted, and about 15 min later your again in your yard thinking WTH happened.
4: ( Neighbors I've had in the past ), You've been burning this Wood stove/ diesel fuel combo for a while and the neighbor thinks man that thing is noisy and stinky and calls every know authority and person he can think of, next thing you know you've got the local health board, the EPA, several sheriffs deputies, the fire department, three news crews, and the local right to clean air vigilantes crawling up your back side better than the doc at your last colonoscopy rendezvous.
Now as far as piping the diesel engine directly outside, better choice, but still full of issues and risks!
It doesn't sound like anything we say will change your mind.
To do something that several have told you is akin to pouring gasoline on yourself and playing with matches, tying a porkchop around your neck and playing with lions, poking a bear, on and on and on
So have at it sir and enjoy and/or regret your decision to do it.