Looks like it was bad enough!
Hope you heal quick & maintain full function.
Thank you. That was during my shed build and I recovered fine. Tried to lay a roughly 3' x 4' double insulated window (glass only) on a pair of sawhorses to fab a frame. Something slipped and next thing you know chim and a bunch of glass were tumbling over the sawhorses. Thought of a lot of things on the way down. Major thoughts:
* This ain't good. There's a lot of glass in front of me heading for the driveway and I'm about to land on it.
* Try to catch yourself even though that means landing in glass on your palms.
* Wifey isn't home. Could be good or bad.
The glass didn't have enough of a head start to get laid down flat before I mixed with it. With everything in motion, there was no chance to look for "better" spots to get my hands down. Just get them out in front so maybe the face and neck can escape damage and hope it works out.
Soon after touching down, jump up and take inventory to see where the biggest leaks were. Worst cut was the on in the pic. I think that was 27 stitches. It was my inside upper right arm. I was really blessed that no big arteries or nerves were cut. I was able to keep pressure on the cut with my left hand and it worked pretty well. A little awkward using the cell phone.
Next was a call to #3 Son's place in the next town to get wifey back to transport me. Son answered phone. I told him to calmly tell Mother that I cut myself, wasn't going into shock, didn't seem to be in danger of bleeding out, but I needed someone to drive me and don't rush.
When we did get to the ER, they were super busy and agreed with my assessment that I wasn't going to bleed to death, so I had to sit for over an hour (they gave me towels to hold on the wound so I wouldn't bleed on their floor). When the doc started sewing me up, he had already gotten all sanitized and didn't want to touch stuff, so he asked Wifey try to adjust the surgical light, but it wouldn't stay put. So with my not-so-badly damaged left hand, I fished out my always present Microstream flashlight and kept the area lit while he worked. Wifey thought that was special and snapped a picture. Doc said "Wish you wouldn't do that". I told him I'd blur his face if we ever showed that picture