I use to have a bed of Mary Washington plants ( a very old verity) planted about 30 roots and like you Sheepfarmer 3 years later they started to produce it got to the point we have beau coupe in the freezer and was giving them away. And then one very cold snowy winter, the deer dug up all the strawberry roots and ate them, and then moved to the raised bed, and Mary Washington was no more.
One way we did them was a butter balsamic bake. About a pound of stocks, 2 or 3 table spoons of butter, a table spoon or soy sauce and a table spoon of balsamic vinegar, heat the oven to 450 and cooking spray on a cookie sheet, salt and pepper the stocks, melt the butter and mix inthe other stuff. Then pop the stocks inthe oven for 10 or 12 min or untill they are tender, take out and pour the mix over them,,, not to bad ,, and they are pretty good with pork!