I have the exact same tractor. I don***8217;t really notice gear grind in H, L, or R. For example if I am working the bucket picking up a load of dirt from a pile I can go from L to R or R back to L without grind. It***8217;s quick and easy. When I notice grind at times is when I go into gears 1 thru 4. I have to give it a pause and let gears slow down and then no issues. So for example both shifters are in neutral. I put the tractor in L and then put the other shifter in 1st I know I need to pause before I put the tractor in 1st. The advice above to leave the tractor in whatever gear (1 thru 4) and just use L, H, R is pretty solid. I typically don***8217;t though as I jump on and off the tractor a lot and many times put both in neutral because I am overly cautious but it***8217;s probably dumb for me to do that as the tractor isn***8217;t just going to pop into gear and run over me and the seat switch would kill the engine without me in the seat. Now I type all this I probably won***8217;t take it out of 1thru4 anymore unless I need to switch gears. For what I do I stay in first and occasionally 2nd, maybe 3rd in L.