First off I don't own any guns so I can't really speak with any authority.
However..I'm still gonna give my $.02. Or $.01, whatever it's worth (likely less).
I see/hear this all the time. "We need to figure out how to keep guns out of the hands of those who have bad intentions". Ok, I'll agree there. The BIG problem with that is that....when gun store does background check, talks to the potential owner, owner's parents, kids, wife, kids, coworkers, it doesn't matter who, the potential owner is clean. No record, no history of "snapping", no disabilities, no depression, no history of mental illnesses. He's perfect. A legal owner, and either a hunter or a collector.
Then......said buyer, lets say 6 years down the road goes through a divorce or loses a family member, or whatever happens. Now he's vulnerable. Some guy at Wal-Mart pisses him off and it eats at him for a few hours after the ordeal. Guy gets home, it's still eating at him. Remember, he's got something else going on in the background. He grabs his heat, runs to the guy's house, or maybe to where the guy works or lives, opens fire, kills himself. Sound familiar? happens.
So in such case as above, what can be done about it to prevent it from the get-go? Absolutely nothing. The buyer was clean at the time of the sale, and was clean for a long time afterwards. But all it took was one time. So what and how was he set off to pull off what he did? THAT is the question...and therein lies a lot of the prevention.
A lot of the ideas we come up with are hindsight motivated, and that includes our "leaders".
Now our leaders....the "SIMPLE" solution (to...especially the liberals who "we" voted into office) is to "simply" limit who can & can't buy, and that may be a product of making what we want too expensive for the common people to own, or it could be a simple "no guns allowed" in most all areas. Great idea right? Wrong. You're not going to stop the criminals. Murder is illegal the last time I checked, but how many murderers cared about the law?
There is, in my opinion, no solution that works for everyone, but if you're a narrow-minded liberal, your solution is to remove the right to keep & bear arms from 100% of Americans. Problem solved right? In "theory", yes.
Maybe an outright ban is too far fetched. For those who agree but still think that there's an easier solution for everyone, one that still preserves the bill of rights in it's entirety, such that those of you who (us) who want to collect, preserve, hunt, or whatever (law-abiding) aren't negatively affected, let's hear your solutions....but keep in mind that those who hunt, shoot for sporting purposes, or simply collect are also subjects of your ideas.
The USA is one of a few countries whose constitution preserves the right to own and use firearms, but unfortunately (or fortunately?) our founding fathers did not give any specifics on the subject. That leaves it wide open to our current "leaders"-if you call them that.
In this state, if one were to limit who can own firearms much more than what is currently on the books, there's a very good possibility that the people would overtake their governing bodies who decided that it was a good idea in the first place. I think about every household has some sort of gun, with most of them being powerful hunting rifles...lots of bolt and lever actions (30-06 and 30-30 being quite popular here). Unfortunately, there's been an influx of liberal yankee morons moving here and bringing their yankeeliberalism with 'em. You're not welcome here, go away, and if you do decide to come here, better learn to be a redneck real quick.