I personally would be much more worried about the establishment of a federal gun registry as a silent requirement to enforce universal background checks on gun purchases. Its really easy to convince someone without many details that its "reasonable" that all gun purchases go through background checks. Libs will cite the widespread agreement of that statement to support the law. The deveil in the details is that this new law will be 100% impossible to support or execute or prosecute against if there isnt a national gun registry to check against in order to determine if guns were sold privately without those checks. A gun registry has been the wet dream of the left for decades and every chance they get, they try to pass "reasonable" other things that drive us towards the slippery slope situation of the federal government having a database of every single person that owns a gun in America.
The irony is that we have the entire left right now HORRIFIED at Trump and scared of him, yet think its a great idea to give more and more power to the government. If anything, you'd think the current Trump outrage would convince them that having something like the 2A as an ultimate protector of our constitution would be a good thing. Instead, they just keep bleating out the bad ideas that have caused them to lose favor for decades and decades. Literally zero self reflection...its bizarre.