Not to interrupt a very important discussion but, a little history might help people understand the issue with what appears to be random violence by lone shooters: MK ULTRA
The movie shooter in Colorado Springs is a perfect example of the MK ULTRA profile. Everyone who knew him said he was a quiet guy who wouldn't hurt a fly. Then, two months later, he amasses an arsenal and shoots up a movie theater. How does that happen?
The Las Vegas shooter story has so many holes in it that it should raise questions about what REALLY happened, and
The kid who shot up the high school in Broward County had issues at home but somehow, working at a minimum wage job, in a year, he managed to buy nearly a dozen expensive firearms -and ammo, and then he goes into the school he was previously banned from and kills. Where did that kid get the money?
Just suggesting the unthinkable: People within our society or government might aid and initiate these violent acts as a means to control a free man's access to firearms. The Red Flag initiative is just an efficient means of doing that. One random phone call and you are hosed. No recourse. No appeal.
Sorry for the thread creep Brother Skeets. (He hates me already!
Mary is right. Just anyone, especially those with a track history of violent behavior, should not be able to buy firearms. There needs to be checks and balances. But there also needs to be an iron clad appeal process. Diane Feinstein declared all ex-military members as "mentally unstable" and therefor not eligible to have access to firearms. Really?
How about this...
In Arizona you can get a Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) license from the state. That includes a full FBI background check. Once an applicant receives that card, his firearms purchases no longer require background checks. The holder has been investigated. If I behave in a violent or threatening manner, one of the first things the AZDPS does is run my name and the CCW permit comes up. That immediately gets cancelled. And they issue a demand for the card. Heck, the AZDPS loves CCW folks. When they pull a car over for speeding, the CCW card shows up and the cops know the carriers are all vetted non-criminals. This lowers their stress considerably and often gets the driver a "warning."
Skeets and others rightfully want their God-given rights under the Constitution to be uninhibited and uninfringed. So far, every scheme to manage or control access to firearms impinges upon that freedom, often without appeal or recourse to the gun owner.
A simpler question should be: Why are we having these problems? 50 years ago kids took guns to school for show & tell. I know guys who had long guns in their rifle racks in high school and the cars were not even locked. I know guys who had hunting rifles and shotguns in their dorm closets for use during hunting season. No one saw mass shootings like we see today. Was mental health better back then? Or was there a lack of widespread use of programs like MK ULTRA, until very recently?
By the way, the link above focuses on MK ULTRA and the adoption of LSD as the drug of choice for the CIA. It didn't work. Do you really think they stopped the program or did they simply try new drugs? And one final question: Is the CIA they only source of programs like MK ULTRA? Or, are others at the same game?
Just like Project Mockingbird, nobody knows about these programs run by our CIA. Our ignorance works to defeat our efforts to combat these dangerous programs.
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