A while back well using the loader, I saw the hood moving on the cowl. Looked down and the front axle housing was separating from the engine block. It pulled the threads out of the block. Got the threads restored to 7/16 20, reassembled the whole thing, and it looked like the top tube that runs from the top of the main support down to the front piece was in a big bind pushing that housing away from the block. Turned everything loose including the amounts under the motor, got it to where nothing was in a bind. Re drilled some holes, and tried again. While trying to lift a load of dirt, I saw the same thing happening again. Front housing was starting to separate from the engine block. Fabricated another tensioning rod, attached it to the vertical mainframe post and drew it up even tighter yet. Tried to left alone again, and the movement I'm getting is at the top post, it's flexing from the bottom. Added the gussets to try to stop some of it, that hasn't helped. Can't figure out how it ran all these years, and never had a problem, and now I'm running into this and can't solve it, anyone have any ideas? Short of running a brace from the very top post back to the axle somewhere I'm not seeing a solution at this point.