Really enjoying this machine as I get accustomed to the hydro and how it works. Still de-bugging her, but we're getting there slowly. I am thinking I'll keep the BH80 that came with it and just rebuild it with new pins. I have a lathe and milling machine so I should be able to custom machine new pins to fit the existing bushings and not have to replace them as well.
A while back you posted a topic about a splitter motor that was hard to start on Yeterdaystractors.
I can't thank you enough for posting this. I was splitting some wood with my Blackdiamond wood splitter 28 when all of a sudden the hydraulic oil was leaking from the pump. I panicked and quickly shut off the motor. I checked the oil level and topped it up. When I went to restart the motor and it was very hard to pull. Right away I thought the motor had partially seized up. OH NO! Checked the oil level in the motor, and it was OK. Didn't know what to do. Jumped online and saw your post and yes the control valve was in the back position and making it hard to start. I was in such a panic to turn the motor off I didn't realize the control valve was on.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, This solved my problem and I was able to get back to work.