I know this a stupid question. But it gets kind of confusing. At the different gas stations in my area there is at least 3 if not 4 kinds of diesel. Off road, on road, in between. Yellow nozzel, green nozzel. ect... I was using the green in my B7800. Thanks for the help in advance. Filix.
There is NO difference other the a dye in it or the cost of it!

Now.....if you were to go back a dozen years or more, there would be, OFF road diesel had a higher sulfur content than it does now. Depending on HOW old your machine is, by the off road diesel and then add a lubricator to it. Sulfur was a great lubricator for injectors and everything else!! But it pollutes the air!
Here is some info gathered from WIKI (pertaining to north america)
concentration of sulfur in diesel fuel produced or imported for use in off-road engines shall not exceed 500 ppm from 1 June 2007 until 31 May 2010, and 15 ppm after that date.
concentration of sulfur in diesel fuel sold for use in off-road engines shall not exceed 500 ppm from 1 October 2007 until 30 September 2010, and
15 ppm after that date.
concentration of sulfur in diesel fuel sold in the northern supply area for use in off-road engines shall not exceed 500 ppm from 1 December 2008 until 30 November 2011, and
15 ppm after that date.
concentration of sulfur in diesel fuel produced or imported for use in vessel engines or railway locomotive engines shall not exceed 500 parts per million (ppm) from 1 June 2007 until 31 May 2012, and
15 ppm after that date.