What would you do?


New member
Jul 30, 2019
I have a kubota 2380 that I bought roughly 5 years ago. I have used it to landscape and condition the four acres that we currently own. I have moved lot's of dirt. I've used it to build retaining walls and move gravel. I use it regularly to mow, both the field and the lawn. But, to be frank, there were times that many of the jobs I wanted to do would have been easier if I just had a larger tractor. Yu can do a lot with this little tractor, it just sometimes takes a bit longer than if you had another, bigger tractor.

So, I'm going to be moving from this property to another. The new property will need many of the same type of things done over there. The biggest difference is that we are going from 4 to 5 acres.

I've considered moving up in size to something like a B series. I'd still like to be able to mow with the tractor and don't want to get too large because the weight of the tractor can rut up a yard at times. I'd also like a bit more lift capacity than the BX has.

Considering this, what would you do if you were in my position: Keep what you've got (and rent bigger when necessary) or sell and buy something larger?

There's no right or wrong answer here....just looking for some input.


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L3560HSTC-LE LA555 FDR1672 BB1272 SoldL3301HST
Jul 12, 2024
Terry, MS
Of course bigger is always better lol.

I will say I had no rutting issues with my standard L @ almost 3k lbs and finish cut with her weekly.

And now, still no rutting issues with my grand L at almost 4k lbs. Both on R4s.
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
I’ve had a BX2360 for many years. It’s done a lot of work including dirt, stone, snow and mowing

Love it.

That said I readily admit I should have gotten a B-series 11 years ago.

I’ve shopped a B2601 a couple times by trading my BX. I couldn’t justify the expense versus the nominal increase in capacities/ capabilities.

Honestly, I would be more apt to add a B for certain tasks and keep the BX for others. How that would/could work is different for everyone.
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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
Great question. (See my equipment list next to my name…that’s what I did)

Really depends on your needs/wants and expectations IMO.

I think most important is figured out how much you want to be able to safely lift. If you look as a percentage from a BX to a B or small L, sure it lifts more percentage, but not really in terms bags of seed or concrete blocks. Anyway figure out what you want to lift and see is that worth it to you. Maybe it is maybe it isn’t.

Depending on all your uses maybe keep your current and add something a bit bigger with more grunt.

If not worried about age / new, there are some great deals out there on used MX4800. I did not see description in your post suggesting an Mx was needed, but when you can buy a lot of tractor in that price range on a Used MX, maybe that’s not all bad. it may not be friendly with your lawn though. (My guess is a small-medium L might be a better fit but I think it comes down to what you want and how you want to use it. If buying something used I’d look at multiple sizes as you can buy more machine for similar money f buying a little bigger IMO. I’d personally say get a size bigger than you think you need.

Here is an interesting thread maybe you already saw it? Might be worth a read.

Good luck.

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Aug 8, 2020
Pittsburgh, Pa
I am 6'2" and felt cramped on the BX so I went with the B2601. I mostly use it mow my 2.2 acre yard and move firewood around. I could not be happier. There is nothing that the BX couldn't do other than accommodate my sprawling lankiness comfortably. I would consider an L or LX series if I were you. Good luck.
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Like RC and Jimmy say - - it's very dependent on your needs/wants/expectations.

I'm 6'4" and don't feel cramped by my BX. I just wish it had more lift for the FEL and 3PH. On a couple occasions, I wish I got a backhoe.

Would an MX work for me - no. An L or Grand L - probably not. B or LX, most likely.
One of the concerns I've had are cost of implements.

A front-mount snowblower is important to me. Don't see that snow work being important to you.

Front-mount snowblowers are big $$. Was a significant cost for me to convert from BX to B/LX.
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BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
RCW, I know what you mean, I feel I have a lot more room on the BX than the B.. And to the OP, never down play that BX , I have use mine for everything before the B, and I only got the B because I couldnt find a FEL for my old BX. If you want to upgrade because you want a new tractor, I say go for it but keep the BX for mowing and such. If you go with a B in MHO you are going to need wheel spacers, because the B is nothing more than a big BX, with out all the good stuff on the LX.. Your call but dont get rid of the BX if you dont have to
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Runs With Scissors

Well-known member

L2501 TLB , Grappel, Brush Hog, Box Blade, Ballast box, Forks, Tiller, PH digger
Jan 25, 2023
How about an L with turf tires?

You get the added capacities, more leg room and the turf tires would help with "rutting".


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L3901/LA525, B7200DT/B1630, G2160/RCK60, G2460/RCK60
Apr 6, 2021
Myersville, MD
I have a kubota 2380 that I bought roughly 5 years ago. I have used it to landscape and condition the four acres that we currently own. I have moved lot's of dirt. I've used it to build retaining walls and move gravel. I use it regularly to mow, both the field and the lawn. But, to be frank, there were times that many of the jobs I wanted to do would have been easier if I just had a larger tractor. Yu can do a lot with this little tractor, it just sometimes takes a bit longer than if you had another, bigger tractor.

So, I'm going to be moving from this property to another. The new property will need many of the same type of things done over there. The biggest difference is that we are going from 4 to 5 acres.

I've considered moving up in size to something like a B series. I'd still like to be able to mow with the tractor and don't want to get too large because the weight of the tractor can rut up a yard at times. I'd also like a bit more lift capacity than the BX has.

Considering this, what would you do if you were in my position: Keep what you've got (and rent bigger when necessary) or sell and buy something larger?

There's no right or wrong answer here....just looking for some input.
I would do what I did 3 years ago - buy a bigger tractor.

I also think the job you are tasked with requires more than one machine. At a minimum you need a heavy duty lawn mower (BX) and a utility loader tractor (big B or a standard L)

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Kubota L2501 with R4 tires
Jan 29, 2021
Western MT
It doesn't sound like there is an immediate need to change tractors. I'd probably keep the one you have.

Rent a larger one or a miniexcavator if needed. That will help you understand the tradeoffs.
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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
As a couple others suggested - go bigger. Just how much bigger depends on your needs, the land and what you plan to do with it. Also, keep the little guy for odd stuff.

We began with 2-1/4 acres and ended up with 3-1/2. After a year or two with a Cub LoBoy, the first serious attempt to get a tractor resulted in a Ford 1210HST (without loader) that we still have as a handy little second tractor. The main tractors have been a B7500HST, L3200HST and finally an L4240HSTC (all with loaders, R4's and loaded rear tires). I've often been tempted to try turf tires, but the grooved R4's have always worked too well to take the chance and drop a couple grand on wheels and tires.

The L4240 with a 7-1/2' RFM is the main tractor for everything and is my favorite for mowing. The loaders are never on the tractors when mowing. They make the tractor too long and the extra weight on the front can make the front tires dig on sharp turns.


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BX1880 with loader, mower and 3 point
Mar 28, 2023
The BX series has its purpose. Suggest you keep yours and add another tractor to your stable. Been considering this myself. My 1880 is great for cutting grass. Its ok for lifting but there are times I needed more. Whats better than a kubota tractor? 2 kubota tractors. Good luck deciding.
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
The BX series has its purpose. Suggest you keep yours and add another tractor to your stable. Been considering this myself. My 1880 is great for cutting grass. Its ok for lifting but there are times I needed more. Whats better than a kubota tractor? 2 kubota tractors. Good luck deciding.

Well, sometimes a Kubota tractor and a zero turn!!!!
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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
A lot of very helpful posts here for sure and I'm left wondering which way the OP is leaning based on all the feedback. I tend to say "bigger is better" but that's just my personal experience and realize that there's no one-sizefits-all answer.

I've been down the road of upgrading tractors, and for a few weeks at least owned a BX25D and MX6000 with the idea that I'd keep both. I don't know how easy it is to rent or borrow a Kubota B, L or MX series where the OP is, but if it's possible that might be a sensible way to go in order to get a better idea of whether a bigger tractor makes sense.


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M7060, Ford 5600, can-am defender
Nov 17, 2021
Ontario Canada
I think the real question is do you want a new tractor bad enough. I’m sure your current tractor will do everything on the new 5 acres that you could on your previous 4 acres. If financially you don’t have to use as trade in or sell and have room for two then it’s a no brainer. 2 is always better then one. I might jump up more than one size in tractors though. 2 tractors for 5 acres is sounding a little overkill lol. I think I’d personally be selling or trading it in for a new larger one and then get a dedicated lawn mower like a zero turn as others have suggested in your situation.


New member
Jul 30, 2019
Well, I want to say thanks for all the input. It's appreciated. Someone asked which way I'm leaning and I'm not sure at the moment but probably will go for a bigger tractor and a zero turn. However, my wife says that you ALL are a biased group of guys and CAN'T be trusted!! :)
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
Well, I want to say thanks for all the input. It's appreciated. Someone asked which way I'm leaning and I'm not sure at the moment but probably will go for a bigger tractor and a zero turn. However, my wife says that you ALL are a biased group of guys and CAN'T be trusted!! :)
Once you go Zero turn you'll never go back!
LOVE Mine!
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L305DT, B7100HST, TG1860, TG1860D, L4240
Mar 27, 2014
40 miles south of Kansas City
If you get a zero turn and have a wife that enjoys being outside it's not too difficult to let her do the mowing. My wife got a new Grasshopper a couple of months ago and already has 25 hours on it. When she's bored lately she goes out and shreds leaves. It's cheaper then a psychiatrist! ;)
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John D 2

Active member

B2601 LA435 loader, 54inch MMM, carry all, boom pole, fertilizer spreader.
Jun 6, 2023
I traded in my JD1025R for a B2601. The JD would do what I needed it to do, but after a month I was regretting buying such a small unit.
It was lacking in ground clearance and the smaller tires made for a rougher ride. It felt more like an oversize lawn tractor than an actual tractor.
The B is a perfect size for what I need. I'm totally satisfied with mine. I wish I would have got it to begin with.

Sometimes a little larger unit makes a huge difference in performance.