Watching the national news yesterday and they were making a big deal out of "climate change" effecting the sap production. They are saying there's been a 4deg. warming over the last 40 years (I think) and that's effecting the the sap flow.
What say you? Is the sky falling again?
I seem to remember this thing called, "The Ice Age." There were a few movies about it too. AND I live in Wisconsin, much of the terrain was modified by glaciers, and much of the huge stones I have are either: a.) from glaciers or b.) because the soil conditions are perfect for growing large stones.
Something is going on because I have a lot of stones, and in the 50 years I've been taking pictures of them they don't seem much larger--in fact they seem
smaller, in fact I'm sure they're smaller--when I was a kid climbing on those skyscrapers was a huge challenge, now it's pretty easy. In fact houses have also shrunk, when I was four they were huge. Silverware too--forks were
So my data shows conclusively the planet is shrinking.
You may think this is stupid, but
Einstein's theory of General Relativity basically says if I take a fixed reference and observe the universe from it I can see the relative change in relation to that fixed reference. My fixed reference is me, and if I hold my size constant over time the data shows the Earth is shrinking. By ignoring all other factors I'm right.
We can actually corroborate that by looking at the size of the Earth in relation to the size of the universe--some people say the universe is expanding, but we can observe the Earth is shrinking simply by looking at the universe and saying there is no change to the universe, the
total sum of matter and energy is constant, and saying the universe is growing would require an increase in energy to facilitate that expansion, but we know that's not possible. Therefore the Earth must be shrinking, and that makes complete sense as we harvest oil, coal, natural gas, and burn it as fuel which releases energy and we use that energy to do work, so we know there has to be less matter and the Earth is shrinking.
The Universe, however, cares not for such arrogance. The failure to stand back and look at "the bigger picture" is not the fault of reality, it is our own failing as arrogant humans. For instance there has been a recent resurgence of Flat-Earthers who believe, of all things, the Earth is flat. In my mind from the way they themselves describe it that implies the Earth must also be rectangular, and from that I want to know "how rectangular," which should be an easy question to answer, we simply have to go the the edges of the Earth an measure the distance between them. And therein lies the problem, no Flat-Earther has ever journeyed to the edge of the Earth, well, any edge, technically, as a rectangle has four of them--yet they want us to believe the Earth is flat. The same is true of the "scientists" that want us to believe in "climate change" or "global warming" or whatever they call it next week--they want us to believe they know and understand climate, yet they can't accurately predict the weather for six months in advance--in fact they're not even good with tomorrow's weather in Wisconsin.
So I'm not too worried about "climate change," it's been here a lot longer than we have.