What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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Kubota Grand L6060
Nov 29, 2024
I used a linear actuator on mine. Fairly simple to do, but with a 20 second stroke time it doesn't really save time. It does eliminate jumping in and out of the cab. It's a nice touch.
takes about 7 to 10 secs stop to stop. getting in and out a dozen times to switch around is just tiring. i saw those vids and priced stuff out and yeah its cheaper but its not clean or easy to do on a 6060.

the factory setup has all the hoses layed out cut the correct length with all the guards in place. plus the factory in cab button is large enough and in a good spot to just reach back a bit and hit the buttons

i maintain 18 acres with 7 horses summer 8 in winter.
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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
Got the evaporator out. I’ll boil maple sap Saturday. One day I’ll have a sugar shack, but for now I’ll be in the driveway again.


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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
I have tried a few of those in the past, they do sound really good for what they are. I personally can't stand things in my ear which is why I use Shokz..not cancelling but designed to hear the outside. They been my absolute favorite so far.
I have issues with other in the ear buds but not the Bose. My ears do not ache like they did with others.
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In Utopia

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L175 FEL
Apr 21, 2013
Got the evaporator out. I’ll boil maple sap Saturday. One day I’ll have a sugar shack, but for now I’ll be in the driveway again.

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Watching the national news yesterday and they were making a big deal out of "climate change" effecting the sap production. They are saying there's been a 4deg. warming over the last 40 years (I think) and that's effecting the the sap flow.
What say you? Is the sky falling again?

Hugo Habicht

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Jun 24, 2024
I looked into that warming thing a while ago. The temperatures are measured in weather stations. A good few of them are located in built up areas that heat up to higher temperatures due to house heating, cars and industry than the surrounding areas. Therefore the measured temperatures there are corrected before they go into the average temperature calculations. Some scientists say that those corrections are not high enough.

I think this is very unscientific (is there such word?) approach. You cannot manipulate your raw data before you use it.

I checked with the DWD (German weather service) and indeed about 75% of the weather data recording stations are in densely populated areas.

I read about that in a book displaying long term (100-150 years back) temperature measurements in rural America that clearly showed a cooling down tendency. Unfortunately I was not able to find those measurements any more on appropriate web sites.

So to say it in short: I have very serious doubts about that whole warming subject.

And climate has always changed in the past, long before humans were on the planet, and climate will always change in the future when humans have long eradicated themselves.
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BX2370 (impliment details in my Profile->About)
Apr 24, 2024
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Watching the national news yesterday and they were making a big deal out of "climate change" effecting the sap production. They are saying there's been a 4deg. warming over the last 40 years (I think) and that's effecting the the sap flow.
What say you? Is the sky falling again?
I seem to remember this thing called, "The Ice Age." There were a few movies about it too. AND I live in Wisconsin, much of the terrain was modified by glaciers, and much of the huge stones I have are either: a.) from glaciers or b.) because the soil conditions are perfect for growing large stones.

Something is going on because I have a lot of stones, and in the 50 years I've been taking pictures of them they don't seem much larger--in fact they seem smaller, in fact I'm sure they're smaller--when I was a kid climbing on those skyscrapers was a huge challenge, now it's pretty easy. In fact houses have also shrunk, when I was four they were huge. Silverware too--forks were huge.

So my data shows conclusively the planet is shrinking.

You may think this is stupid, but Einstein's theory of General Relativity basically says if I take a fixed reference and observe the universe from it I can see the relative change in relation to that fixed reference. My fixed reference is me, and if I hold my size constant over time the data shows the Earth is shrinking. By ignoring all other factors I'm right.

We can actually corroborate that by looking at the size of the Earth in relation to the size of the universe--some people say the universe is expanding, but we can observe the Earth is shrinking simply by looking at the universe and saying there is no change to the universe, the total sum of matter and energy is constant, and saying the universe is growing would require an increase in energy to facilitate that expansion, but we know that's not possible. Therefore the Earth must be shrinking, and that makes complete sense as we harvest oil, coal, natural gas, and burn it as fuel which releases energy and we use that energy to do work, so we know there has to be less matter and the Earth is shrinking.

The Universe, however, cares not for such arrogance. The failure to stand back and look at "the bigger picture" is not the fault of reality, it is our own failing as arrogant humans. For instance there has been a recent resurgence of Flat-Earthers who believe, of all things, the Earth is flat. In my mind from the way they themselves describe it that implies the Earth must also be rectangular, and from that I want to know "how rectangular," which should be an easy question to answer, we simply have to go the the edges of the Earth an measure the distance between them. And therein lies the problem, no Flat-Earther has ever journeyed to the edge of the Earth, well, any edge, technically, as a rectangle has four of them--yet they want us to believe the Earth is flat. The same is true of the "scientists" that want us to believe in "climate change" or "global warming" or whatever they call it next week--they want us to believe they know and understand climate, yet they can't accurately predict the weather for six months in advance--in fact they're not even good with tomorrow's weather in Wisconsin.

So I'm not too worried about "climate change," it's been here a lot longer than we have.
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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
Climate change: good one for “Off Topic” if politics doesn’t get pulled into it.
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
Got the evaporator out. I’ll boil maple sap Saturday. One day I’ll have a sugar shack, but for now I’ll be in the driveway again.

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I used to enjoy putting some taps in yard trees. Made a few gallons/year. Boiled on propane camp stove in steam table pans.

Wasn't very efficient; I would blow through a 20# propane tank each night.

Now neighbor has ~200 taps on our place.

Hard to say but could be a short season. Temps been 50-60+ degrees good part of the week.

PS - neighbor just stopped to pump gathering tanks. Our place is running very well, but he said some of his stops are not producing well at all. Too warm too quick?

He's very concerned that this Maple Season could be less than 2 weeks. A colleague of his in Massachusetts thinks this weekend is it for them.

That's not good.....
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Hugo Habicht

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Jun 24, 2024
Today I finally sprayed my front axle parts after sandblasting, acid treatment and primer the days before. Spraying the rims was a doodle using a motor driven turntable I built for that purpose. So once the paint has cured I can put the tractor back together in about a weeks time.

I also made two parts for an improved front wheel seal, polished them, hardened and tempered them. Happy with the work done.


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L3010DT, M5640SUD, Dresser TD7G
Feb 3, 2023
NE Vermont
I haven't been able to get out in the woods with the tractor since the end of January - too much snow, And I am behind in firewood. It rained last Sunday then Monday and Tuesday were suddenly in the 50's. We lost a lot of the snow. Knowing it was going to cool off for the next 3 days I went out Tuesday and broke a 1/4 mile of trail through a maple stand that needs some TLC.


The weather cooperated nicely. It was 18* Wednesday morning and the trail I broke Tuesday set up solid. It was still below freezing a noon when I quit. I'm cutting junk and thinning around the better trees. Smallish stuff but all hard (sugar) maple.




I had to quit at 10 o'clock this morning, so I had two and a half mornings below freezing to work. It's warming up fast - 54* here now. Glad I had this short window between having too much snow and mud. This is a hitch from yesterday.


And this is what I ended up with this morning.


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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Double Orange day. Got started on this one (dog fence) at the horse farm today. Chinesium auger worked great. Took about 15 seconds to drill a hole 2.5-3ft deep. Good soil.

Long day, but a good one.


Dog Fence 1.JPG

Dog Fence 2.JPG

Dog Fence 8.JPG

Dog Fence 11.JPG

Dog Fence 16.JPG

Dog Fence 18.JPG

Dog Fence 19.JPG

Dog Fence 14.JPG

No. These aren't the dogs.

Horse 2.JPG
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Well-known member
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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
Watching the national news yesterday and they were making a big deal out of "climate change" effecting the sap production. They are saying there's been a 4deg. warming over the last 40 years (I think) and that's effecting the the sap flow.
What say you? Is the sky falling again?
Honest answer is I haven’t been on my property long enough (2016) or sugaring long enough (2017) to say with confidence if things have changed.

I agree with @NCL4701 — I don’t especially want to wade in to climate change territory here… suffice it to say I get the sense I have fairly different political views than the average OTT user 😂

Here’s a pic of my second sugaring setup from 2019. Smaller homemade evaporator vs Bill Mason 2x3, smaller tractor (B2301 vs L4701), smaller vehicle (VW vs F150), smaller chainsaw (Dolmar/Makita vs Husqvarna 550xp and Stihl 661). This country lifestyle gets expensive!

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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
I think you USA forum guys that are making syrup need to start sending it to us, the Canadians are very likely to cut us off from getting any here shortly.
  • Haha
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