What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
That would make an awesome MIL suite…no joke that looks like it could be a cabin… love repurpose material uses/projects. Great job.

I am not sure you have predators that dig or not, but if not considered already, this would be a good time to consider to put some fence down under the coup floor to discourage unwanted guests from popping up.
Not many that can turn back up after they start digging down. Armadillos are the worst diggers we have here, and they ain't interested in the chickens or the eggs. They might be too stupid to go around, though. Whatever digs under a cross tie is not likely going to turn back up inside. Nothing we have is that aggressive, anyway. A neighbor had a few chickens with little more than a 4 foot chainlink fence around 'em, but she also had a German Shepard in the yard with the coop. Having a nice big dog around the chickens can be beneficial, as long as the dog doesn't develop a taste for live chicken. Growing up, our chicken pen was about 10 feet from our dog pen, which just so happened to be filled with about 20 hunting dogs some of which would likely be very interested in any varmints that would consider approaching the chicken pen. If something digs in, then I'll put a floor in it, and might even have enough of the 5/4 x 6 decking left.

I know for a fact we have some fox nearby. We watched a groupt of 4 kits playing around several years ago just about where the coop is sitting now, but that was also before I obliterated a bunch of underbrush (thanks to one LX and a grapple). There isn't as much cover for predators. I'm also considering a small solar panel and battery system to run a little surprise (Electric Fence) for critters that get too close to the fence. Maybe a lethal surprise, depending on the size of the critter (rodents). I'm more worried about coyotes going THROUGH the fence than under it. So, I'm gonna put some heavier mesh under the chicken wire that's 4 feet high. Gonna do what I can to protect them, but only so much that's economically feasible. Raccoons won't likely try to dig into this, nor possums. If a fox does, then he's gonna need to be fast, because I plan on treating them or coyotes with extreme prejudice if they get in my chicken yard. An automatic sliding door is in the plans to make sure they're protected overnight by the fortress that we're going to call "Cluckingham Palace". So far, I've only got about $100 in the whole shebang, well, $200 if you want to count the cross ties.

New progress photo today. Got two sides done and the roof on. The cinder blocks behind it are the side of one of the compost pits. You can probably guess why I chose to put the coop near there.


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L3010DT, M5640SUD, Dresser TD7G
Feb 3, 2023
NE Vermont
Not many that can turn back up after they start digging down. Armadillos are the worst diggers we have here, and they ain't interested in the chickens or the eggs. They might be too stupid to go around, though. Whatever digs under a cross tie is not likely going to turn back up inside. Nothing we have is that aggressive, anyway. A neighbor had a few chickens with little more than a 4 foot chainlink fence around 'em, but she also had a German Shepard in the yard with the coop. Having a nice big dog around the chickens can be beneficial, as long as the dog doesn't develop a taste for live chicken. Growing up, our chicken pen was about 10 feet from our dog pen, which just so happened to be filled with about 20 hunting dogs some of which would likely be very interested in any varmints that would consider approaching the chicken pen. If something digs in, then I'll put a floor in it, and might even have enough of the 5/4 x 6 decking left.

I know for a fact we have some fox nearby. We watched a groupt of 4 kits playing around several years ago just about where the coop is sitting now, but that was also before I obliterated a bunch of underbrush (thanks to one LX and a grapple). There isn't as much cover for predators. I'm also considering a small solar panel and battery system to run a little surprise (Electric Fence) for critters that get too close to the fence. Maybe a lethal surprise, depending on the size of the critter (rodents). I'm more worried about coyotes going THROUGH the fence than under it. So, I'm gonna put some heavier mesh under the chicken wire that's 4 feet high. Gonna do what I can to protect them, but only so much that's economically feasible. Raccoons won't likely try to dig into this, nor possums. If a fox does, then he's gonna need to be fast, because I plan on treating them or coyotes with extreme prejudice if they get in my chicken yard. An automatic sliding door is in the plans to make sure they're protected overnight by the fortress that we're going to call "Cluckingham Palace". So far, I've only got about $100 in the whole shebang, well, $200 if you want to count the cross ties.

New progress photo today. Got two sides done and the roof on. The cinder blocks behind it are the side of one of the compost pits. You can probably guess why I chose to put the coop near there.

View attachment 118616
View attachment 118617

That's a mighty fine chicken coop !! - A lot better than a dog house if you ever need a place in times of woe.



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***Current*** M6060HDC, MX6000HSTC & GL7000 ***Sold*** MX6000HST & BX25DLB
Feb 9, 2021
I got the side extensions reinstalled on the 16' PJ dump trailer yesterday afternoon. The long panels are awkward to take on/off without help, but it was a relatively easy task with the MX. There are times when liquid ballast and wheel weights come in handy, along with an implement out back. I did slide the load closer to the tractor before heading off down the hill to the trailer.

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Jun 17, 2020
PEI Canada
Moved my landscape trailer onto a gravel pad for the winter and put the rear blade on a pallet so I have better access to it.
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
That's a mighty fine chicken coop !! - A lot better than a dog house if you ever need a place in times of woe.

Funny you say that. My SIL asked if it was my new bedroom.
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Oct 16, 2023
Maybe you could have afforded a used Kubota 10 years ago?
Well, about that time, I had a BX1850 and we just moved and went from mowing 1 acre to 4 and plowing snow on a 50’ drive to 1000’ drive. A new B was out of my price range and used was hard to come by. I settled for a ZD and loved it. I grew tired of multiple machines to service and can now afford it so…. 😊
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L3010DT, M5640SUD, Dresser TD7G
Feb 3, 2023
NE Vermont
I cut some fire wood Saturday. Some diseased beech, a yellow birch, and a nice apple tree that came down in the heavy snow. We had some nice cold weather this week and where it's dry the ground is finally froze enough so the wood stays clean. A nice change from limbing branchy fir trees. Logs like this make me wish I had a mill. The top was mostly dead and breaking apart so I cut it.

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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
I’ve been wanting to build a proper carport/tractor shed/barn/something, but time and funds are limited. In the meantime, I’m getting sick of a wet or snowy seat. Plus the wet and cold seems to mess with the seat safety switch. So, I put up a cheap temporary tractor shelter yesterday. I’ve been looking and this one went 50% off on Wayfair. It’s fairly low quality, but cost me $160 all in with a protection plan (I rarely go for those). Merry Christmas, tractor!

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BX2380; R4 tires; 54" MMM; FEL w Pirahna bar; Ballast Box; BXpanded skid plate.
Aug 31, 2022
Austintown, Ohio
Nice - but beware of winds and updrafts. My similar one ended up wrapped around an oak tree about 100 feet away when a windstorm (and not a really bad one) blew through.


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B2650, MX6000, Ford 8N, (BX sold)
Sep 13, 2021
I’ve been wanting to build a proper carport/tractor shed/barn/something, but time and funds are limited. In the meantime, I’m getting sick of a wet or snowy seat. Plus the wet and cold seems to mess with the seat safety switch. So, I put up a cheap temporary tractor shelter yesterday. I’ve been looking and this one went 50% off on Wayfair. It’s fairly low quality, but cost me $160 all in with a protection plan (I rarely go for those). Merry Christmas, tractor!

View attachment 118777 View attachment 118778
That’s a great idea. The wood footer is an ounce of prevention. I’m thinking about something similar for a couple of my attachments.

That backho looks kind of sad / jealous sitting back there in the open air.
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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
I’ve been wanting to build a proper carport/tractor shed/barn/something, but time and funds are limited. In the meantime, I’m getting sick of a wet or snowy seat. Plus the wet and cold seems to mess with the seat safety switch. So, I put up a cheap temporary tractor shelter yesterday. I’ve been looking and this one went 50% off on Wayfair. It’s fairly low quality, but cost me $160 all in with a protection plan (I rarely go for those). Merry Christmas, tractor!

View attachment 118777 View attachment 118778
Looks good, but what about a 2 ft. snow load on that top?

I don't need the extra space, but I have a hoop style greenhouse that would shed your NY snow load better.
Double layered poly, with a very small 110V blower to keep the layers inflated.
Works great, poly lasts about ten years.
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Well-known member
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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
Nice - but beware of winds and updrafts. My similar one ended up wrapped around an oak tree about 100 feet away when a windstorm (and not a really bad one) blew through.
Yeah I’ve been wondering about that. I have it screwed down (a couple 2” screws in each leg foot) to a treated 3”x10”x19’ beam (about) that’s gotta weigh well over a hundred pounds. Wish me luck!
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Well-known member
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L4701, BH92, Frost Bite grapple, Logosol M8 mill, Stihl MS661
Aug 24, 2021
Rensselaer County NY
Looks good, but what about a 2 ft. snow load on that top?

I don't need the extra space, but I have a hoop style greenhouse that would shed your NY snow load better.
Double layered poly, with a very small 110V blower to keep the layers inflated.
Works great, poly lasts about ten years.
We shall see regarding the snow, that is of course my biggest concern. I’ll knock it off when I can (I’m usually here as work from home).

That hoop house sounds great, but I was able to set this up in a couple hours with a three year old’s help, didn’t require running electric, and cost $160 (plus some fasteners and a couple pieces of wood I had sitting around). If I had hoop house money I’d just build a carport!

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The Evil Twin

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L2501, LA526,
Jul 19, 2022
I’ve been wanting to build a proper carport/tractor shed/barn/something, but time and funds are limited. In the meantime, I’m getting sick of a wet or snowy seat. Plus the wet and cold seems to mess with the seat safety switch. So, I put up a cheap temporary tractor shelter yesterday. I’ve been looking and this one went 50% off on Wayfair. It’s fairly low quality, but cost me $160 all in with a protection plan (I rarely go for those). Merry Christmas, tractor!

View attachment 118777 View attachment 118778
A number of people have used that frame and added marine grade plywood on the roof. Topped with metal roofing. Then added sides too. We did that at a friend's house a few years back. Survived several storms since. Also, we used screw anchors for the base.
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