What did you do to or on your Kubota today?


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LX2610SU; BH77
May 23, 2021
South Jersey
They’ll get slowly better. Kimble was the beagle my wife brought from Brazil. He died a week short of his 16th birthday. Parker was next and to lose him at only 5 was a kick in the balls. Our house was designed with him in mind all much as much as me! Lol. Bosch is growing into a good vizsla but there are times when we tell him that it’s a good thing he’s cute!

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The girls from down the road came over and decided they wanted to be in his crate!

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Good looking pup. I family members that have 2 of those, great dogs.

5 years old is rough. Was it quick happening?


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L2501HST, LA526 w/ L2248, BB1260, RCR1860, EA Disc Harrow
May 29, 2023
Good looking pup. I family members that have 2 of those, great dogs.

5 years old is rough. Was it quick happening?
Not really. He came up with a limp and an X-ray demonstrated a cracked vertebrae. They couldn’t determine a cause and literally as we prepared to do a biopsy, that X-ray showed it healing.

Then we moved.

A few months into the move, he developed a more severe limp and the dr diagnosed it as the equivalent of a torn ACL. We worked hard to get him into Auburn’s vet clinic. No one picked up anything on X-rays.

His lungs reached a tipping point and he couldn’t catch his breath. We took him to Auburn’s emergency animal ER and he was pretty well eaten up with cancer. They did a biopsy of one lung and the small hole refused to close and heal. They tried to wean him off of the pump removing the fluids but it didn’t work.

It got to the point where it was inhumane treatment so, we put him to sleep. Worst day of my life. Never cried so hard.

Enter Bosch a few weeks later. Unbeknownst to everyone, he suffered a scratch to his eye the day or the day before we picked him up. The next day, his eye was clouded over. Off to Auburn again.

He had cornea flap surgery and then we brought him home a few days later. Enter pneumonia….puppy can’t breathe. Here we go, back to Auburn again. My wife was scared that we’d lose him but, he pulled through.

We like to joke that at first, we didn’t think we could live without him and now, we’re not sure we can live with him! His eye survived but it’s not perfect. Other than that, he’s a great dog!


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BX2380FEL, Add-A-Grapple, Titan 48" Box scraper, 60" Rake, 72" Rear Blade, Flail
Apr 11, 2021
NW Oregon
They’ll get slowly better. Kimble was the beagle my wife brought from Brazil. He died a week short of his 16th birthday. Parker was next and to lose him at only 5 was a kick in the balls. Our house was designed with him in mind all much as much as me! Lol. Bosch is growing into a good vizsla but there are times when we tell him that it’s a good thing he’s cute!

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The girls from down the road came over and decided they wanted to be in his crate!

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Look at those eyes, What not me!. I had a Vizsla for a little over 12.5 years. Wooded Redfield was his full name, but answered to Wooden. Touch a shotgun in my house he was ready to go, he just couldn't drive.
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BX2380FEL, Add-A-Grapple, Titan 48" Box scraper, 60" Rake, 72" Rear Blade, Flail
Apr 11, 2021
NW Oregon
Finished torquing bolts on my new 41" FH-EFGC Flail mower and then on to cutting and setting up PTO shaft after lifting mower from steel pallet base and leveling.
I was going to wait till tomorrow am, I couldn't. I left factory cut height for roller and skids all the way up. Went out and did a couple passes. One along the edge of field and into woods, I'd like to do an inch higher adjustment or maybe not it'll break down a lot of the windblown material in the woods. On the grass I cut it's to short, I cut my field with a zero turn set to 4" which controls unwanted growth, and it has a 54" cut not 41" like the flail mower. I threw a tape on mower. The housing is 41" plus belt housing Flail_Mower_adjustment (3).jpg
Flail_Mower_adjustment (1).jpg Flail_Mower_adjustment (4).jpg could of went slower to break up/down wood better.
Flail_Mower_adjustment (2).jpg Flail_Mower_adjustment_cut (5).jpg In the short test it's a blast, It'll take a dusk mask while reclaiming tree line. There were a few things that were different then what's state on manufactures web site. 517 lbs. crated weight, posted 570lbs. BX purred in woods on the little stretch I did on 2 and 3 branch's on ground. Mask is needed.
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BX2230, LA211
Nov 15, 2018
Goshen, IN
Spent a couple of hours mowing the yard with the BX for the first time in over a month. It's been so dry here, all that was growing was the buck horn and crab grass. Also spent another hour and a half trimming a lot of branches on the bottoms of a bunch of trees that I mow around and were hitting the ROPS and my head. Filled the bucket five times with trimmings.
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TG1860, BX2380 -backblade, bx2830 snowblower, fel, weight box,pallet forks,etc
Apr 11, 2021
NB, Canada
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L2501HST, LA526 w/ L2248, BB1260, RCR1860, EA Disc Harrow
May 29, 2023
  • Haha
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Grand L3560 with LA805 loader, EA 55" Wicked Grapple, SBX72 BB, LP 1272 mower
May 27, 2019
Southern Illinois
We thankfully received 2 inches of rain over the weekend. Still really dry, but thankful for every drop we got. My nephew and I went out to the farm on Monday, trimmed some trees, weed eated around the buildings, sprayed grass/weed killer around them. Ended up doing battle with two different wasp nest that had decided they needed to build them right inside the barn door. Also, it has been so dry, found a large wasp nest inside the gutter drain pipe and I don't thank those wasp appreciated the rain we received as much as I did.

Finished off the day with mowing the weed tops down. It is amazing, just a little rain and everything was quickly greening up.
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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
Bath day. Got the dust, mud and grass off both Orange and the Polaris. Sunny here but way humid. Little B has 930hrs and the big B has 236.


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B3200 w/loader, Woods RC5 brush hog, 4' box blade, tooth bar, B1700 MMM,
Apr 13, 2017
West Mansfield, OH
Bath day. Got the dust, mud and grass off both Orange and the Polaris. Sunny here but way humid. Little B has 930hrs and the big B has 236.
Also broke out the grease gun and lubed up all three machines
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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Went "Beast Mode" with the min this afternoon and decided to pluck a tree that toppled over on my road to the range. This maple blew over (completely) last year but was still going strong since the bottom half of the root ball was still sucking swamp water.

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Stump busting (hornets weren't thrilled, but Karma's a bitch...you'll see).

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Ok...this here is the idiot that didn't put the front blade down when he attempted to toss the root ball over the side of the tracks. Machine tipped hard and fast and operator smashed his noggin on the front glass. Turns out safety glasses are a bit sharp. Whodaththunk? Luckily this goof had the front glass down or he would've ended up outside of the mini. Maybe next time he should wear the seatbelt?

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I'm getting a bit of a headache as I post this.
Doncha just hate it when your safety gear gives you the only injury for the day? All ya needed was that “one more” safety device. That ONE thing gave you a very subtle reminder.
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B2650 BH77, U27-4R2, BX23TLBM, box blade, rear blade, flail mower, Stump Grinder
Dec 8, 2017
Wind Gap, PA
Doncha just hate it when your safety gear gives you the only injury for the day? All ya needed was that “one more” safety device. That ONE thing gave you a very subtle reminder.

I certainly do. I do hope that it will serve as a reminder to wear a seatbelt.

Complacency Kills (or maims at the very least).
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Kubota L3560HST-LE 4WD; R4 tires; Armstrong Ag BRG-mini grapple; 1272 box blade
Jul 9, 2022
Texas Hill Country
Looks like a rug or blanket covering it.

Yup. I have a quick attach. And after that experience, and knowing I need to move the old fridge as well, I think Christmas may come early this year.....like tomorrow :)
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Kubota L3901, FEL, BB1260, RCF2060, FDR2572, Titan Forks, Caryall, 5' Tiller
Oct 26, 2019
Moseley, VA
You will not regret buying a good set of forks. I use the forks almost as much as the bucket. Off loading, on loading, poor mans grapple, etc.! The older I ge the more I like tools that save my body. I remember an older guy back when I was an apprentice saying that you will learn to work smarter as you age boy.....That was just over 40 years ago ;)
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