What did you do to or on your Kubota today?



L-1501 DT
Oct 24, 2013
we finish yestrday the olive harvesting and the beast carried all.

in picture you see the third and the last load, about 1 ton and we wait now the olive press to reopen today because by the time i finnish loading the last, was closed.
it was not a good year for the olive tree, but i thing we will manage to have 350kg fresh and virgin oliveoil.


Patrick BX

New member

BX2660 w/ LA243 Loader and RCK60B23BX
Nov 13, 2014
Midland, MI
Aside from just buying the BX2660 a couple of weeks ago, I bought and installed a grill guard and also adapted a ballast box from another tractor to it.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Alex how many trees do you have to get that many olives it must be a bunch! And how do you harvest them?



L-1501 DT
Oct 24, 2013
Alex how many trees do you have to get that many olives it must be a bunch! And how do you harvest them?
i have about 100+ trees but not all of them are in productive mood,
because i lop them a lot.
only 60 of them are good, and big
usually the olive tree has good season every two years, but i have play with the variety of trees and their age and i have manage to have every year production.

i have trees that they give about 70-100 kilograms olives every hear and i have trees that they can produce up to 250 kilograms every two, so its almost the same.

the harvesting is a different story.
we have some special tools as you can see in the next links. :)
we lay big cloths around the tree and with comps we harvest the olives.

i also have one electric wand like this.
4 people in 6 hours they can harvest about half a ton, and ~10 kg olives produce 1 kg oliveoil
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North Idaho Wolfman

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L3450DT-GST, Woods FEL, B7100 HSD, FEL, 60" SB, 743 Bobcat with V2203, and more
Jun 9, 2013
Sandpoint, ID
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L-1501 DT
Oct 24, 2013
Being that this is a tractor forum I think we need to step up your harvesting speed!


or this

:) thanks Wolfman, i know them, i can tell you than the first is ok and it may work but the price of it, is prohibitive for my budget.

the second one is a small killer to the tree because with that force that vibrates the tree is breaking the roots of it.

so everybody here in Greece continue to harvest with the traditional way.

im not a big producer of olive oil, as you understand but every year i have my olive-oil and i know is clean and TASTY, we cook everything in that, even the french fries taste delicious.

and i sell about 200kg every year to close friends and acquaintances,
the price of my olive oil is 5 to 6 euros per kilogram , it depends of the acuity of the oil.


New member

Bx1800, 60 inch mower, front snowblower and bucket.
Aug 8, 2013
Gorham, Maine
Replaced the drive chain on my Bx snowblower today. It broke as I was finishing up snowbloing on thanksgiving morning. In stock and ready to go at my local dealer. :)



L3301HST, 7' back blade
Oct 25, 2014
Cadillac, Mi
I worked on a light bar for the top of my ROPS and then roughed in a QD mount to use on a snow plow so I can run it off the FEL in a couple of weeks.


New member

Jan 27, 2014
Over the weekend, I picked up a deer in the yard (car must have hit it) and carried it across the field, pulled the mower deck off and used the loader to set it on the storage cart (wheeled so I can move it around the shop as needed), and gave it some maintenance before the snow sets in. She got fresh oil (synthetic Rotella), a light scrubbing and waxing, radiator blown out and the screen cleaned, and all the fluids topped off and checked. And I'm trying Motorkote in the engine. Took a lot of thought to convince me to try it. But, worst case, the inventor lives 3 houses down so I can go complain directly if there are any issues.
I also cleaned out the FEL lift cylinder pins and lubed them up good. They get a lot of use so I figured they should get a visual inspection....all was good. Good weekend of TLC.


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L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ
I spread 60 tons of decomposing granite on my driveway. Learned all about box scrapers thanks to pointers from Wolfman. I am finally starting to get the hang of the implement but still have some "undulations" I can't seem to get rid of. I'll play with it more when I get the machine home later this week.

Kubota dealer is picking up my tractor this morning free of charge. Going in for service. Many apologies from dealer. Offered me an extended warranty at a great price. Whole story when I get it back... I'll let you know how it goes.

When I asked the corporate lady if she knew about the Orange Forum, she said. "Oh yes."


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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Undulations are either the tractor moving in plane vs. the grade you want or the hydraulics 'adjusting' to the load (or leaking).

You can take this with a grain of salt, as I've been accused of not knowing much about 3 point systems, but some 3 point systems auto adjust for load. If you're on an L3800 that's like my L3200, it should not do that so I'd suspect ground variations being multiplied by the scraper on the back of the tractor. You can try that chain attachment idea, mentioned on the other thread, on the toplink and it should float better with only the AOA (angle of attack) being affected. Once you get a clean pass, you can probably hard link the top link again. I can probably invent something to make that easier... hmmm.



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
2 o'clock this morning I was ripping ( subsoiling ) the field getting ready for the rain they say is coming . We are suppose to receive 2 to 5" doesn't sound like a lot of rain, but I'll take all we can get. I live in Ventura county Ca and we have only received 9" over the last 2 years . My family has owned this ranch since 1/3/1900 and records show this is the worst drought we have experienced in 114 years so I ripped the ground 2 ways 24" deep this heavy Adobe soil will soak up a lot of water now, wish me luck.



Well-known member
Lifetime Member

L3800 HST, KingKutter box scraper, KingKutter 66" rake, County Pride Subsoiler
Jul 11, 2014
Cave Creek, AZ

You are exactly correct. Lumpy piles resulting from the uneven dump resulted in lumpy passes. There is no way to really kill these off either 3pt and floating or in 2pt because the scraper floats over the terrain evenly taking an inch off each pass. I found going backward in float after adjusting the rear blade to be only 1/4 inch off the ground under way really helped take out the majority of it. Backing with the scraper locked in position will take it out but you need fine 3pt control to keep it from digging in.

What I am going to do is make FWD passes on the high points with the scraper blades set to just shave off a little each time. The problem this week is my 3pt valve is one of the defective ones that don't move...don't move...then JERK to the next position, so micro management of the blade height is tough. That should be fixed this week as it's one of the items on my dealer repair list.

I am definitely going for the extended warranty. Full factory bumper to bumper 2-year with another year power train for $1300. One major part failure and its paid for. That pushes my drive train out to six years. Ya hope you won't need it but if you do....!!!


New member

BX1850, FEL, 56" MMD, 48" rear mount blower, Thatcher, Plug Aerator
2 o'clock this morning I was ripping ( subsoiling ) the field getting ready for the rain they say is coming . We are suppose to receive 2 to 5" doesn't sound like a lot of rain, but I'll take all we can get. I live in Ventura county Ca and we have only received 9" over the last 2 years . My family has owned this ranch since 1/3/1900 and records show this is the worst drought we have experienced in 114 years so I ripped the ground 2 ways 24" deep this heavy Adobe soil will soak up a lot of water now, wish me luck.
That's some nice land down there. I've been through there a few times when I was stationed in NAWS China Lake with the (Canadian) Air Force and can't help but marvel at all the strawberry fields. It's like the Beatles came up with the idea for their song there or something.
Is irrigation your primary means of moisture, or does the moist Pacific air provide enough dew at night?



GL3830,fel,brush hog,pallet forks,disc,gannon,auger,springtooth,plow,drag,ripper
Sep 6, 2011
Ventura Ca
That's some nice land down there. I've been through there a few times when I was stationed in NAWS China Lake with the (Canadian) Air Force and can't help but marvel at all the strawberry fields. It's like the Beatles came up with the idea for their song there or something.
Is irrigation your primary means of moisture, or does the moist Pacific air provide enough dew at night?
No irrigation here we dry land farm that's the reason to rip the ground deep so it will take on all rain we receive. Mostly hay, beans and a few head of cattle my family has owned this property since 1/3/1900 it is a beautiful area.


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Lifetime Member

May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA

You are exactly correct. Lumpy piles resulting from the uneven dump resulted in lumpy passes. There is no way to really kill these off either 3pt and floating or in 2pt because the scraper floats over the terrain evenly taking an inch off each pass. I found going backward in float after adjusting the rear blade to be only 1/4 inch off the ground under way really helped take out the majority of it. Backing with the scraper locked in position will take it out but you need fine 3pt control to keep it from digging in.
You found what I learned as well, spreading is best done in reverse, makes a nice clean lay down. However, I have added a pre-spread routine as well and it really makes it easy: flatten and level as best you can before you start spreading!

My father's gravel driveway always ends up being more clay than gravel after every year. The clay and gravel/DG mix and become like concrete, but we take the box blade (no rippers either!) on the Oliver and drag out the driveway for a couple of hours but it fills in all the holes and lumps. THEN we spread out new gravel and it works like a charm.

The first time we did it we just spread new gravel and it used two dump truck loads more than it does now that we prepare and level the surface first. The gravel is almost a foot thick now and we don't have to add much any more. My dad drives his tractor/trailer rig over it all the time but it's so hard/thick that now, even in wet and snow it doesn't compress or go into deep ruts. The new gravel is more for looks than anything else.

I do the scraping on my gravel driveway in Texas with the L3200 but it's not nearly as challenging and my box blade has rippers, making it much easier.


New member

Dec 1, 2014
Pawling, NY
The head lamps on my 1973 B6000 have long been unusable. The reflective incased material chipped away to nothing over the past 43 years and even when they were new, never really threw a good beam on the road. I pulled them out, smashed the glass lenses, ground out a larger opening on the back to fit over the back of a standard 4.5 inch bulb used in the larger tractors, bought four #11 one and a half inch bolts and fashioned two new headlights that throw a bright beam. The old ones make perfect clamps. Took me all day and my wife thought I was crazy driving around in the dark last night showing off my stuff. Happy to share details.
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New member

Dec 1, 2014
Pawling, NY
2 o'clock this morning I was ripping ( subsoiling ) the field getting ready for the rain they say is coming . We are suppose to receive 2 to 5" doesn't sound like a lot of rain, but I'll take all we can get. I live in Ventura county Ca and we have only received 9" over the last 2 years . My family has owned this ranch since 1/3/1900 and records show this is the worst drought we have experienced in 114 years so I ripped the ground 2 ways 24" deep this heavy Adobe soil will soak up a lot of water now, wish me luck.
Wishing you the best. Soak it up.

In Utopia

Active member

L175 FEL
Apr 21, 2013
Had a little time while waiting for my son to finish welding out is down draft plasma cutting table so I thought I'd build a little miniature lifting boom to lift it with.