Cut the brass down bu the bayou last week. On Mother's day the wife and me decided to start up our garden. Took the bush hog off and proceeded to shovel out the 8x8 foot planter we made up a couple years ago. Just shoveled until the bucket was filled and did this about 5 times. One more bucket to go. gonna spring for some top soil and mix in some peat moss and that will be dumped in the planter by my (now officially dirty L3800) kubota. We found out that the junk dirt as sold by lowes is nothing more than sand, chopped wood chips, and just maybe some peat moss. Started gardening late this year due to the cold weather hanging on so long. Gotta love my L3800, drive it so the bucket overhangs the planter and start shoveling. When full drive it about 30' and dump, then repeat process. I got aches in places I didn't even know I had.Frank