Being a "saw guy" I carry a full medical kit any time I'm sawing. I also have full PPE given I run pretty big saws and any mistake is going wrong in a hurry. I cannot stress enough the importance of chainsaw pants, I wear Clogger DefenderPro Gen2 pants and metatarsi boots, along with Echo Kevlar Chainsaw gloves and Husqvarna 588646001 Technical Forest Helmet. The pants saved my shin from what would have been a serious axe wound when the axe bounced off a limb I was chopping, so they've more than paid for themselves.Been waiting a day to make sure of the outcome... The other day (Tuesday), was using the BH77 to hold logs up off the ground so another guy could cut them into 16" rounds to be split for firewood to be given away to old vets, widows, and the less fortunate in my town. In the process of trimming knots off the logs, his saw (Husky 575xp w/ a 36" bar) kicked back nailing him in the shin. I'm told (it was a blur for me!) that I was off the BH, shut off the tractor, got my 1st aid kit out of the cab (you've got one, right?) and was to him before he had the saw shut off. Yep, all the way to the bone. Put a package of Quik Clot, on the wound, with 2 4x4 dressings on top of that, then wrapped it all up with an Ace bandage. Stud drove himself to the ER, where they dug out some of his jeans, and a bone chip, then admitted him overnight for surgery this morning. He's home now, probably needing more surgery to remove his wife's teeth from his azz, and has an order to Amazon for some chainsaw chaps. Hard lesson, but could've been SO much worse. And yeah, the saw was probably to big to be trimming knots.
Guys (and gals), this is really cheap insurance considering the cost over time of use. I've been in the woods 40+ years with no accidents until last year, and it wasn't even a chainsaw accident yet the investment in Personal Protection Equipment paid for itself multiple times over. (It really, really hurt though.)
Thanks to members here I'll be mounting a fire extinguisher to my tractor too.
Note the links are not affiliate links and I have no relationship with the manufacturers other than as a satisfied customer. I also do not mean to be preachy, only to help out the people helping me as a new tractor owner.