Did some more chipping today at the other brush pile across from the shed after finishing the bigger brush pile I started on yesterday. When I finished the shed pile, I remembered I needed to give the shed a thorough look to see if the Alaskan Saw Mill setup was still in there. Hadn’t seen it in many years. About 5% of what was in there was mine. The other 95% was my late father’s. I think, after a number of years, what belonged to who got a little fuzzy and the Alaskan Saw Mill got gone without my knowledge because it wasn’t there. Sorry, @Old_Paint.
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While I was climbing on the boat to get into the loft area, I saw the belt pulley for the Farmall on an empty barrel at the back of everything. I’d kind of hoped Dad hadn’t gotten rid of that, so that was nice. Not sure what’s up with the sock leashed to it. Started to check out the mysterious sock, but my brother called so I sat in the boat and talked to him until it was time to meet my wife to spread chips on a foot path she made a couple years ago. After thinking on it a bit, suspect the sock contains the bolts to mount the pulley.
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I hauled chips with the loader and spread them while she did I don’t know what, but something that apparently caused her to need a 30 minute break after 45 minutes of work, so we took the Mule to the pond and watched the two nesting pairs of geese with their tiny freshly hatched goslings; three for one pair and four for the other. Not much of a picture but they weren’t being cooperative and we try not to pester them too much. The one not pictured was trying to decide if he should attack me, ignore me, or run. He wisely settled on ignore.
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That left just enough time to put up the equipment and meet up with our son for dinner.
I’ll finish putting wood chips on the path tomorrow morning. I like being retired.
I finished up my spring cleanup along my 1/4 mile bike path thru the quakies that runs along the creek, cutting up the winter deadfall with the little 60 V Greenworks electric chainsaw (the one I lost last fall, battery out of it, and it sat out all winter, no problems with at all, not the bigger Greenworks 80V I ran over with the tractor a few weeks ago, both still perfect) and the tractor's chipper. Anything too big for the chipper (with the chips gathered in my ATV's trailer and then spread around on the path) is consigned to the wood shed for next winter's heat. I'm not retired, still running my crane biz, but with a few days off in a row, I realize that going back to work is a LOT easier on me than my days off, I can recuperate and rest up at work, home is where the real work is! I'm not sure if that's something to brag about or not.