What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

trial and error

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B7100dt manual trans. homemade FEL, 4 way hydraulic dozer blade
Feb 16, 2023
Used the kubota to move the splitter split some wood for a couple hours , then went and played with the FEL pushing some debris down the bank. I knew I was light in the back becuase I exchanged the counterweight for the trailer mover last week. Since I was just pushing stuff arlund I figured I would be ok, I figured wrong and ended up on 3 wheels and stuck becuase I got stupid. Ended up having to use the truck and a come along to get the tractor back 3 feet and on all 4's I didnt want to have the wife just yank me backwards becuase the odds of ending up with a tractor on its side where pretty good with that option. Less then 15 minutes and I was out but just goes to show all can be going great till it ain't. No pics of this dilema
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Jun 17, 2020
PEI Canada
Mowed wet grass again. Our weather has been wet and cold but the grass keeps growing.
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L4240HSTC with FEL, Ford 1210
Jan 19, 2013
Near Lancaster, PA, USA
Very minor so no pics. Added half a horn (just one of the pair from an old Volvo wagon). It kinda sounds like Road Runner without the other tone. A little toot is all I want. Just enough to get their attention. No train horn required. Need this when working with others. None of the other methods work well - sitting in the cab screaming, flashing the lights, or revving the engine.

While the dash cover was off I added the switch for the SSQA engage/disengage linear actuator. There's a plug sticking out of the gap between the cab and hood, so the tractor side is done. The actuator install will probably deserve a little writeup and pics when I get to it.
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Dec 10, 2014
Ste Geneveive county, MO
I installed my Homestead Implements grill guard I got a couple of days ago. After watching GP Outdoors video where he was doing some grapple work for a neighbor, I thought I should do something. It has been a couple of months since I watched the video and I also did some grapple work for a friend, was worried the whole time I was moving brush. I was going to go the homemade route, but I decided that I would order something. I can't weld and would have to ask someone to do the welding for me. Think it looks pretty good and the price wasn't too bad.

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Kubota MX5400, L3560LE, L3301. KX033-4
May 8, 2020
Columbia, SC
Today I installed the seat up pto switch, rear work light switch and changed the speaker wiring from rear to front (stereo only feeds front speakers in phone mode) on my L3560LE.
Had the receipt in the box from Messicks. I ordered them 3.5 years ago!
Put the cruise switch in as soon as those parts arrived. Never have needed the others. This will inspire me to are some rear lights.


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Jan 1, 2017
La Farge Wi
Did a couple more posts in the shed. The old posts are rotting off about 6 inches underground(not all just some)
, so I am digging down to base, bag of cement into hole, and installing some steel highway guardrail I-rails. It is just crazy that no two poles are the same size or installed to the same depth.
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L4701, T2290, WC68, grapple, BB1572, Farmi W50R, Howes 500, 16kW IMD gen, WG24
Apr 27, 2020
Central Piedmont, NC
There’s a sewer line in our property that runs parallel to the creek. Been there about 15 years or so due to eminent domain and a public need as established by not sure who. We own the land and the sewer authority has a right of way. They can mow it and access it, but only for purposes of accessing or maintaining the sewer. They’ve never mowed it, which is pretty common in these parts. For the section on our property, we do mow it at least a couple times per year, often a bit more. This is what it generally looks like.

A couple weeks ago went down there to see if it was dry enough to mow. Saw the sewer folks had mowed the right of way to the northeast of us and also our little 1/2 mile. Mowed it with a tractor and bush hog which, based on the few tracks it left was probably about the same size as mine. Tractor mower person did a really clean job. Looked like I mowed it.

They stopped at the southwest end of the property, possibly because the next landowner never did anything with the sewer line so it was grown up with 15 year old saplings.

Not too surprising, they send a CTL with a heavy bush hog to take on the property to the west. They have to come in from our east, cross our 1/2 mile or so to get to the property on the west. Our place was already mowed, just use as a road was all that was needed.

This is the same area as the immediately previous pic. CTL operator found a little muddy spot and played in it. He/she did a lot of that.

They didn’t do anything they didn’t have a legal right to do, so whatever. Difference between the tractor operator and CTL operator was pretty stark.

Don’t usually have cameras out down there this time of year. We do now. Scouted out an alternative path in flood plain to bypass the muddy spot which is now grass less. Between the grapple moving a couple logs and the bush hog that went pretty quickly.

Then spent a little time cleaning up this maple that broke, dumping most of its top in one of the creek crossing.

Cut it up enough to drag it down the short narrow path to the now dirt sewer line to get it oriented right and dumped it all in with an old deadfall.

Interesting day…
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Kubota L48 TLB, Ford 1920 FEL, Ford 8N, SCAG Liberty Z, Gravely Pro.
Nov 14, 2019
Eastham, Ma
Did a couple more posts in the shed. The old posts are rotting off about 6 inches underground(not all just some) View attachment 105257 , so I am digging down to base, bag of cement into hole, and installing some steel highway guardrail I-rails. It is just crazy that no two poles are the same size or installed to the same depth.
I like your fix for this! :)
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A bunch of cute little Kubotas
Jul 19, 2014
Wellsville, PA
I installed my Homestead Implements grill guard I got a couple of days ago. After watching GP Outdoors video where he was doing some grapple work for a neighbor, I thought I should do something. It has been a couple of months since I watched the video and I also did some grapple work for a friend, was worried the whole time I was moving brush. I was going to go the homemade route, but I decided that I would order something. I can't weld and would have to ask someone to do the welding for me. Think it looks pretty good and the price wasn't too bad.

View attachment 105246
You must really like the "H" in it :)


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Grand L4060HSTC, BH92 Backhoe, HLA Snow Pusher, Dirt Dog Tiller, EA DiscHarrow
Jun 24, 2020
SW Michigan
Fixed best I could, hood scratch. Our son said he’ll stop by next weekend and give it a polish. I’m ok with how it came out.


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LX2610SU, LA535 FEL w/54" bucket, LandPride BB1248, Woodland Mills WC-68
Dec 5, 2020
Fixed best I could, hood scratch. Our son said he’ll stop by next weekend and give it a polish. I’m ok with how it came out.

View attachment 105316
View attachment 105317
Got a few scratches on my LX, some of which happened at the dealer when they were putting the FEL sub-frames on or attaching the FEL itself. The rest are 'badges of honor' from it's service. I've put that little tractor through the wringer, and it doesn't seem to mind a bit. Not quite sure what Kubota's thinking was to put a painted step on it, but most of the paint's long gone from that. I added some braces to my step not long after I got it because I really didn't like how much the platform and left fender were flexing when I stepped up on it. And I'm not a really big guy, either.
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L3010DT, M5640SUD, Dresser TD7G
Feb 3, 2023
NE Vermont
Graded a section of road today that got chewed up pretty good from a down pour a couple days ago. Didn't help that I had a couple significant wheel depressions left over from mud season leading into and coming down the hill. Roughed it back into shape with the rear blade, then finished it off with the LandPlane, and last packed it with my One-Ton which I was doing when I took the picture.


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Kubota L3301D
Jun 18, 2023
First time tractor owner, and thrilled with the used L3301 we just picked up. Spent the first day dragging the ruts out of our road, and starting the replacement of dirt on our secondary road which completely washed out. That's gonna take a few full days of dirt moving at this rate. (The tractor has 600 hours and was allegedly serviced before we picked it up from the shop, but under load (climbing especially) it has a significant whine that kind of reminds me of when the old power steering pumps would whine when the fluid was low. Have checked transmission fluid. Not low. Are these just whiny tractors?)