What did you do to or on your Kubota today?

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Had to hay the yard last night :rolleyes: grass was up over the front tires in most areas. With the amount of rain we've been getting I haven't been able to get out there and get it done. Ended up finishing it with the headlights last night. Supposed to have rain the rest of the week into next week. Will probably be a couple weeks before it dries out enough to get it again :rolleyes:
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Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Daren, can you come over and clip my yard? :D My Exmark ZTR is down so it's either a weed eater or the bushhog. Happy haying!
Wife wouldn't have an issue. She likes florida. I don't think your sandy yard would hold up to my rice paddy tires though. :rolleyes: I used to have to bush hog the lower half of the back yard in the spring. Too soggy for a mower. Tractor and finish mower handled it pretty well. Have some light ruts I'll have to fill in when it dries out some

Tallahassee Kubota Man

New member

M5140HD/LA1153/LandPride RCF2072/DirtDog disc/RakeMaster grapple/Caroni tiller
Wife wouldn't have an issue. She likes florida. I don't think your sandy yard would hold up to my rice paddy tires though. :rolleyes: I used to have to bush hog the lower half of the back yard in the spring. Too soggy for a mower. Tractor and finish mower handled it pretty well. Have some light ruts I'll have to fill in when it dries out some
I'm almost in Georgia, in what we call the Red Hills area. Red clay. You can go 15 miles south and be in the flat woods with nothing but sand! Good you've got a tractor for backup. I try to be careful, but usually leave a few ruts when turning with the bushhog. :D

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
I'm almost in Georgia, in what we call the Red Hills area. Red clay. You can go 15 miles south and be in the flat woods with nothing but sand! Good you've got a tractor for backup. I try to be careful, but usually leave a few ruts when turning with the bushhog. :D
Tractor is the primary :D got rid of the cubcadet this spring. Darn thing would nickel and dime ya to death. Cost me $20 every time I hit the lawn with the mower. Tractor costs $8 to do the yard and does it in half the time, and a nicer job :D just need to get some turf tires for it, and swap back to the rice paddy tires when I have some dirt work to do. One of these days I'll talk the missus into a newer tractor :D

Tallahassee Kubota Man

New member

M5140HD/LA1153/LandPride RCF2072/DirtDog disc/RakeMaster grapple/Caroni tiller
Tractor is the primary :D got rid of the cubcadet this spring. Darn thing would nickel and dime ya to death. Cost me $20 every time I hit the lawn with the mower. Tractor costs $8 to do the yard and does it in half the time, and a nicer job :D just need to get some turf tires for it, and swap back to the rice paddy tires when I have some dirt work to do. One of these days I'll talk the missus into a newer tractor :D
Sound like a plan! Maybe a new car for the missus and a new tractor for you? :D


New member

BX2670-1, FEL,60"MMM, 48" Box Blade and Bush Hog
Apr 8, 2015
Gaines, NY
I'm new to this forum - came over from TBN.

Today, I drove through the lot at my dealer for the third time to stare at my new BX2670-1 still sitting in the shipping crate, but at least in their "sold" row.

Then I went home and said nice things to my BX1860 so she isn't sad she is getting sent off to pasture (AKA traded in).


New member

BX2670-1, FEL,60"MMM, 48" Box Blade and Bush Hog
Apr 8, 2015
Gaines, NY
Welcome and congrats on the tractor! I had to wait a couple of weeks when I got my last tractor........seemed like forever! Haven't sold my old one yet, but will have to......she's not too happy about it.... :D Take us some pics of your new one.
I debated on trade vs. selling outright. The dealer gave me a trade in price that made it not worth the hassle of selling it!

This is pathetic, but I have one already!


Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Gave the old girl a new muzzle today :eek: ..........the tractor!!!! Not my wife :rolleyes: I'm not that foolish :D

Here's the old one

And the new one

Gonna pick up a can of flat black bbq paint this weekend when I get the paint for the box blade

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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Gave the old girl a new muzzle today :eek: ..........the tractor!!!! Not my wife :rolleyes: I'm not that foolish :D


Gonna pick up a can of flat black bbq paint this weekend when I get the paint for the box blade

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Uh, you might want to put a new riser tube back on where you have that rain cap/flap or you might end up with exhaust right in your face... <cough><cough>

Daren Todd

Well-known member
Lifetime Member

Massey Ferguson 1825E, Kubota Z121S, Box blade, Rotary Cutter
May 18, 2014
Vilonia, Arkansas
Uh, you might want to put a new riser tube back on where you have that rain cap/flap or you might end up with exhaust right in your face... <cough><cough>
I was gonna try it first. Old riser nailed me in the face with the rain cap on :rolleyes: was actually considering turning it forward with a down spout
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Well-known member
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BX2360, FEL, MMM, BX2750D snowblower. 1953 Minneapolis Moline ZAU
Apr 28, 2013
Chenango County, NY
I put an OMNI Mfg. Fixed Drawbar Extension on.

Haven't used it yet (Too much wet and snow here, Daren;)), but I like it so far!!

Real solid, and good paint job.:D



New member
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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
I was gonna try it first. Old riser nailed me in the face with the rain cap on :rolleyes: was actually considering turning it forward with a down spout
If your rain cap is working well, they are the best, no water in the exhaust and easy to use. Just put a new riser on it and you'll be fine.


Well-known member

BX 2360 /B2601
Oct 2, 2009
Uh, you might want to put a new riser tube back on where you have that rain cap/flap or you might end up with exhaust right in your face... <cough><cough>
Yeah I was kinda thinkin the same thing,, but then,,,,, what do I know?


New member
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May 14, 2014
Atascadero, CA
Yeah I was kinda thinkin the same thing,, but then,,,,, what do I know?
I only know speaking from experience... this old girl has her stack as just a slip fit over the exhaust port:

I was working on refurbishing the stack you see (the nice silver paint with fingerprints from my brother on it) and just put a piece of riser with that rain cap on it to move it into the garage and it was about the same relative height as what Daren has. I got nothing but a face full of exhaust. It got worse when I pulled it into the garage!

No, that final riser is important... very important! LOL!