My L2501 turned 100hrs today. I have only had it 5 months. I have all of the filters and motor oil, still need the hydraulic fluid.
Spent most of the day burning 2 large brush piles for a food plot for the bees.
Here are a few pictures.
These are piles 4 and 5. Forgot about the first 3.
This is what things looked like before starting.
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First pile before burning today.
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First pile after burning today.
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Second pile before burning today. It's hard to see with all of the green, but it's gone now.
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And second pile after burning.
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Only 2 broken hd. hoses so far. I would guess 75 of those 100hrs are using the B77 backhoe.
Time to get back to working bee hives the rest of the week.